82% Damage Difference from the bookends of PVP

There’s a video by that Stoopzz or whatever his name is on one of the posts.

Go search the forums there. The gear changes is what the PvPers wanted and Bliz gave it to them.

Stoopzz was a crack PvPer who thought having PvP vendors would be great, considering his playstyle. This was back when we were told that PvP gear would be purchasable only by players using honor earned in rated PvP.

Later, after information about honor gear was released, he made a video about how awful honor gear was going to be for casual PvP. Everything in the video became reality.

Then they released more information about conquest gear, and he was, again, “Oh, shiny!”

He has quit the game. It was a big deal.

If all the players who supported that change are the same as the ones you linked to, then only a few of the many you claim posted have ever done PvP, and most had no reason whatever to post what now looks like a part of a copy-paste PR campaign.

I’m not buying it. The purpose of “PvP vendors” “Honor gear” and “Conquest gear” was to convince players that PvP was fixed, and they were bringing back the systems that worked so well in the past. So they’d subscribe, at least until they found out they’d been misled.

Why are you here trying to convince us that people who thought they were going to benefit from the system were happy, when it turned out they mostly quit over it?

I’d rather wait 2 minutes to get a fair match than 15 seconds to get thrown against a team of Glads farming low rating wins or carrying someone. But that’s me.

I don’t care if you buy it or not. There’s other “thank you” threads in there to read along with responses.

Lots of people have quit the game. They have their own reasons and you have no clue if it’s over the change that they asked for.

The power is compounded even further with differing health pools and vers.

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Yikes imagine linking troll posts from players who don’t pvp (bloomsday LOL) and ignoring a thread with actual pvpers saying the opposite

(I’m so sorry revo for spamming your notifications with thread links)

Yes, it’s one big troll conspiracy.

All the trolls of wow got together and plotted out how they would ruin PvP by pretending to be PvPers and posting on the forums.


i personally know a couple of regular pvp forum trolls who post on multiple characters and accounts just to be contradicting and say unpopular opinions like that and pass them off as legit even though they don’t actually really believe it

Its not so much that its a conspiracy, more so there are many more players who preferred mop and wod pvp because of gear equality than there are who prefer shadowlands stomping. We were literally lied to about wod gearing. This is nowhere close to wod gearing. No legit person asked for this, and the ones who did don’t even play max level they’re busy abusing free trial players in the level 20 bracket


Perhaps you and the others should have posted in those threads about how much you disagreed with them when the threads came up. Thus far the responses are all positive from the other posters so apparently some people agreed.

FYI these aren’t the only threads thanking Bliz about the gear. I just posted a few I came across. You can go wade through the rest yourself.

Maybe if you improve you can actually climb rating ? I mean whats the point of rating if it gives you no reward? If noob player like myself climbed to rival in bfa, and now with basic gear why cant you :D? Oh wait!
Your post count is half of your achievement, so basically you spend time posting instead of actually playing the game.

I bet you were complaining about all other expansions too, clearly …

No it is not, I have out damaged warriors with better gear than myself, literally what is this no sense.

Is this you?

Yes, but I don’t come on forums and complain oh some carry in low bracket killed me :((( i’ve seen pikaboo too in that bracket so what I should go and say. Hey SO UNFAIR WHY R1 IS PLAYING AGAINST ME

What happened to your honor level lol

I transferred acc from EU to US server

You mean you made a new account? Because transfers arent possible and thats a screenshot from last july :thinking:

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Yes showing geared war carrying paladin. The toon, I transferred it to my other acc

Your other account in NA?

Who cares how many short pointless thank you threads you link. How about you look at the two different lengthy posts with thousands of responses explaining all the issues.

We’ve wanted wod gearing since it went away and Blizzard knows it. Hence in 9.1 they announced “wod like” gearing. Such a joke man.

Pvpers haven’t gotten close to what they want. Hence the population is dead as a doornob. Ironically in wod, an expansion they abandoned and pvers quit in droves, still had more pvpers than now.

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It would be easy to mitigate the disparity but it’z hard to design a system that’s not exploitable. Some specs do better at lower vs. higher ilvl and scale differently, and one could argue trying to fix the issue would cause even greater imbalances. Finally, ilvl isn’t the only source of power.

Lol no it wouldn’t… In fact it would probably be easier to balance because you wouldn’t have such insanely massive jumps in power throughout a season. They could balance a spec off what happened last season instead of what something might do with a massive jump in power.

This has got to be one of the craziest things I’ve read to date.

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