82% Damage Difference from the bookends of PVP

Minimum ilvl should be a thing

Fresh lvl 60 with only 130 ilvl?

You get bumped to 210 in BGs.

It would give people incentive to play without feeling like they need gear first, AND it would give low ilvl players a chance to actually have an impact instead of just being free kills

Sorry i was saying what someone needs to do to get there atm. I personally would prefer pvp gear not having such a disparity

Guess the devs decided which group getting the shaft made more sense

Not just pvp, the whole game. Every new alt has to do the campaign to get that reknown, and power upgrades, you can’t even do Korthia without doing the campaign. Whoever designed all these systems clearly just wants you to pick one character, and barely ever change the soulbinds, if you want to pve and pvp conduit energy just becomes bothersome, if you play more then one spec, the soulbinds became much more of a hassle, which was to stop raiders from constantly changing during runs? Like conduit energy hurts the game much more then it helps for example.


Meaningful choices

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How about a multiglad R1 player?


Everyone should have the same gear in PvP. No one should have an advantage. That’s how you find out who the good players are. PvP should be based on ability alone. If you’re good, it shouldn’t matter about the gear the other player is wearing

I can’t help but wonder how many players that are probably pretty good at this game just give up because of these gearing issues.


I can pvp okay but haven’t touched it season 2 beyond comp stomp. I am in alt mode. Getting face planted at 20K on new alts to 60K’ers is not fun.

I say this coming from eve. When I see a brick fit rattlesnake and I am in a lower DPS, not great tank ship know what I do? I let that rattlesnake be.

Wow…you hit this crap face first since no choice.

For non eve players a brick fit rattlesnake is a heavily tanked up battleship. that spits outs tanky,hard hitting drones. Imagine if you will a full conquest fit paladin winged and bubbled up…and is putting out pets like a hunter/warlock.

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People are now complaining about participation being low in PvP. Well, don’t complain about queues or participation when you gimp new players trying to get into PvP late in the season getting stomped in all forms of PvP because Bliz handed these people everything they wanted for pvp.

This is a problem that the PvPers created. They have no standing to complain because there’s no one left to pwn.

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Not in the least bit, I don’t know how you can even come to that conclusion. Players have no say in the gearing system that makes PvP unapproachable. It is 100% the current devs fault that PvP is in the shape that it is in. The old devs proved PvP can be as popular as PvE. Players didn’t change those systems, the newer devs did.


The gearing system is specifically what the pvpers requested. They were happy about that because they knew…early bird gets the worm. They just counted on everyone else being okay with being cannon fodder.

They found out.

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It absolutely is not and you saying that it is only shows you are entirely out of touch with any PvP community. I really shouldn’t expect more from random GD posters, but at least do a little research before spouting opinions like this.


They cried about vendor for the entire BFA expansion. They knew that climbing the gear ladder is much easier that way.

Don’t even try.

Literally nobody asked for rating locked gear. They asked for WoD gearing which was accessible to everyone, even unrated PvPers. You have no idea what you are talking about, that is pretty clear.


More like timegated nonsense.

They absolutely knew that gear would be gated behind the vendor, it’s always been that way.

Now you’re telling me that I am out of touch with the PvP community? Nope. I’m just on to your little schemes.

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You are just clueless dude. MoP and WoD gearing gated nothing behind any sort of competitive PvP, you could get your entire BIS gear set through random BGs if you wanted to. That is the system everyone wanted back. Thinking they wanted rating locked gear does indeed show how out of touch you are.

This part is also really dumb considering the countless posts I’ve made advocating for templates or just using the testing buff they have that sets everyone to a static ilvl. Again showing you are absolutely clueless.


There has always been elite gear in the game for arenas.

Arena rating should give transmog only. Arena should be skill based alone.

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You know elite gear has been cosmetic since it was introduced in Cata, right? The only increased ilvl from arena was on weapons and that went away after 1 season in MoP. The other three seasons in MoP and all three WoD seasons gated nothing behind rating.


It’s funny because last expansion scaling was getting crucified and people were praising the notion of PvP gear progression because that is what MMORPGs should be about since they aren’t shooters or mobas.