Classes we have:
Me: Hunter, Mage, Priest, Boomy, and Shaman
Him: Rogue, Warrior, Mage, and Demon Hunter
Brief Raid History
FL: 3/7H US 8974
DS: 7/8H US 5040
Mists of Pandaria
MSV/HoF/ToES: US 1709
TOT: 13/13H US 960
SOO: 14/14H US 196
BOD: 9/9M US 937
COS: 2/2H US 267
EP: 7/8M US 540
NYA: 8/12M
BNet: CSKit#1200
Hey there, this is Wub with STARVD on Bleeding Hollow. We’re looking to add to the roster with a few good people. I’m not going to waste your time with a page of guild spam but just give you the basics:
Server: Bleeding Hollow - Horde
Raid: T/TH/Sun 6:30-9:30 (Central US) We may add an optional day for progression.
Tenure: Previously on Stormreaver starting in mid SOO *2013 we’ve moved to Bleeding Hollow for Shadowlands.
Loot: we’re embracing personal loot while it is an upgrade but then will move to Loot Council for the benefit of the team and mythic progression.
Apply at
Me: Btag: Mutumba#11705 Discord: Wub#9938(most important)
A fair number of our players have been getting CE or better for multi tiers in the past. Hope to hear from you.
Feel free to contact any of the following if interested:
Lethal (Guild Master)
Bnet: Shadow2Tough#2167
Discord: Lethal#1760
Rako (Human Resources)
Bnet: Rako3#1918
Discord: Rako3#7092
Vanx (Raid Lead - Team Outbreak)
Bnet: Vanx#11719
Discord: Vanx#0001
Sweaty (Raid Lead - Team Outbreak)
Bnet: NerveDamage#11376
Discord: Sweaty#0002
Ziy (Raid Lead - Team Pestilence)
Bnet: Ziy#11340
Discord: Ziy#3771
Noy (Raid Lead - Team Pestilence)
Bnet: Exversion#1740
Discord: Dioxade#9581
We would be interested in speaking with your pair about spots on our team.
Seraphic is a Horde guild on the Realm Area 52, our focus is mythic progression and mythic +. The guild is being formed from a group of friends, several with multiple CE achievements and the rest with high level mythic progression. We’re wanting a chill yet serious environment where players can enjoy the time they have to play the game, but still progress at a fair or quicker pace through the high end PvE content. We raid 8pm to 11pm EST Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
Current Needs:
Tanks - Open to Exceptional Applicants
Healers - Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, Mistweaver Monk, Resto Shaman
Melee DPS- Open to Exceptional Applicants
Ranged DPS - Ele Shaman, Boomkin Druid, Shadow Priest
If you believe you are exceptional at your class and can outperform one of our raiders apply today, we will give you the opportunity to show it.
Below is a list of our general goals and ambitions
- Be fairly geared throughout the expansion.
- Clear Heroic within first or second week of tier release.
- Complete +15 M+ keys once a week minimum.
- To build a community of players that are online around the clock.
- Preferably a friendly environment.
- By the end of Shadowlands, we want to be CE in more than one raid tier.
If interested, reply to this post with battletag or Discord information.
Feel free to add one of our officers on Discord for a faster response:
Froggy - Guild Master - Discord vmsfroggy#4819 - Bnet vmsfroggy#1886
Isaac - Raid Leader - Discord (Stink)#7494 - Bnet Stink#11325
Shankspec - Recruiter - Discord Shankspec#8004 - Bnet mynucka1788#1532
Hey Gideonw. I’m Jimmiejam, the DPS Officer for Illicit’s CE Team. I just added on BNET as Mook so we can chat a bit more about this. 
in the meantime, if you’d like to check out out guild/team, here is our recruiting post.