8/10M 225 R-Shaman LF Guild

After a grueling tier my guild decided that it wanted to call it a patch and stop raiding till 9.1 I still have the drive to keep pushing as I would really like to get CE. With that being said, I am really looking for a guild that is similar in progression to me.

I was the raid leader for my guild and always end up falling into that role, I guess I have a leadership mentality. However being a good leader I am just as good as a follower. I have been playing this game on and off since Vanilla launched and have been in multiple top 200 world guilds.

I took an extended break after Mists was done and warlords left a terrible taste in my mouth, returned for BFA for that to be short lived as well. So far I am really enjoying Shadowlands.

Times: I prefer tues/wed/thurs after 8pm EST it doesn’t matter if its a two or three night raid schedule as long as we progress and get CE before end of the tier.

Again my logs might look a little sub par because I was raid leading and raid leading as a healer is let’s say not very easy lol
warcraftlogs. com/character/us/area-52/ezkeal
raider. io/ characters/us/area-52/Ezkeal

Discord: Ezkeal#2121
b-net: Ezkiel#1824

I look forward to hearing from you all, and thank you for your time!

Still looking!

Replied to your post on A52 forums but in case you don’t see it, check us out:

Sauce on Mal’ganis could use your talents if you are interested. 9/10M CN, CE previous tier. Stable guild and leadership for over 15 years. We raid T/W/Th 830 to 11pm EST. Hit me up Uza#1286