80s yes? or 70's? Let's do 70s and 80s

Since we’re doing the 70’s.


Now, this is an interesting choice. Are we talking pre or post Joshua Tree? Pre, they dressed in rags and protested everything. Post, Bono put on a pair of £150 sunglasses and started to sound like every other pop singer…




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Cool. Now, that’s a show I would have loved to have seen.

Best concert I went to was Meatloaf atop The Pier in St Pete, Florida…

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The concert that I don’t remember what happened was a grateful dead concert…
Lots of drugs with a little bit of alcohol lol

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This just fits in 80’s by a smidge.

This entire album is a masterpiece.

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I thought this was such a good album and for the ones after that I said “wth happened?”


Sounds like a show my mom went to in the 60’s. Grateful Dead were opening for Jefferson Airplane and both bands were so stoned that no one could understand them…fast forward ahead twenty years and I would see what was left of Jefferson Airplane as Starship…

Can’t have a 70s and 80s thread without this album.


Good album, but not their best - fourth best to me (after Dark Side, Wish You Were Here, and Animals).


No one said “no TV themes”, so…


Okay, I’m going to get on my soapbox and do a get off my lawn rant.

I went to a concert with my great nephew
And no one actually was paying attention to the concert they were just looking at their phones texting and videoing the concert…


Yeah. :frowning_face:

While I never met the man, that felt like the loss of a life long friend. It always felt like my favorite artists were close companions because I could always toss on a pair of headphones whether times were good or bad and everything in between.

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I’d rather you give me 80 silver.

Wait…we’re talking about the decade? Oops.

My favorite would be Pink Floyd Pulse. A live recording that is basically a greatest hits. But I think that was released in the 90s.

This reminds me of a camera shot I seen on TV when American Pharoah won the Triple Crown. First time a horse has won all three in 40 or 50 years and all anyone could do was get a picture for their Facebook or whatever.

However, it is not just kids. My 46-year old SIL spends more time on Facebook and TikTok than her daughters.

I had a similar problem when I went to see The Pet Shop Boys with my wife.

Story time: My wife and I are both disabled and can’t stand for very long, but wanted good seats close to the stage. Unfortunately, the second the band took the stage, everyone was on their feet with their smart-phones in the air recording the show - which, according to a warning on our tickets, was forbidden. After three songs, my wife got upset and we got up to leave. While going through the lobby one of the ushers noticed my wife in tears and asked what was wrong. We explained our situation and they talked to their manager and moved us up to the front seats of the mezzanine where we had a great shot of the remainder of the show. We still had to put up with a few jerks recording everything, but by that point we didn’t care. It was just a great show…


Sorry, but anything after The Wall isn’t Pink Floyd - it’s just David Gilmour wanting money. After Roger Waters left the band, the music simply declined…

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Maybe he’s just like your father…

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I think an underrated group in the eighties that really no one ever heard about unless you lived in Australia.