80% of wow players want RDF and Blizzards like we listened and removed it

So that’s my situation - friend and guild runs.

But I don’t mind RDF being in the game. If people need the assist with grouping that’s cool to have a tool to help. Bliiz should be glad to keep them playing (and paying).

I agree with the posters advising to vote with their wallet. Might be the only thing that gives Blizz cause to reconsider the move to strip the tool from Classic Wrath.


people on new servers actually talk to each other and form groups


The only people who want RFD gone are:

1 People who sell in-game instance boosts who don’t want competition.
2. Tanks who want to hard res all items.
3. Blizzard shareholders who don’t want competition for the 70 boost.
4. Sadists who like seeing others get upset (like many rodents on these forums).
5. Players who are so unsocialized or are so terrible at the game that they cannot get into a raid group, which leaves dungeoning as their only endgame and want it to feel “special”.

Here’s the reality: dungeons are not the endgame. Raids are. People will always organize around raiding, and dungeons are just a means to an end to get to the raid endgame. Being weirdly fixated on removing LFD and how it ruined “muh community” is a joke when we have 70 boost still in the game, rampant botting unaddresed, dead servers with monofaction megaservers left and right.


And thats where they can change it from being tied to the finder to being tied to the dungeon completion. Those extra badges go a long way in wrath gearing. Not everyone can run every heroic each day in a weeks to be ready for Nax.

Don’t forget Race Changes.

nah only the biggest losers are still trying to tell people to Go pLaY rEtAiL as though classic is some kind of prestigious activity. The veil has been lifted. The game is easy as hell and drudging through it hitting frostbolt or shadowbolt for 700 hours is not the flex they think it is


No. Dont want dungeon finder? Gonask them to remove it from retail. If lfd is the only thing that you are concerned with then you dont need to play classic. Any version without it will satisfy you. So go to retail and ask for it to be removed.

Quit trying to change wotlk. Those ofnus real classic players want the game AS IT WAS. We dont need your type that want to change everything. Thats what retail is for amd you will be much happier with all of the changes they made. The content that matters in retail does not have lfd tool. Thats what you want. Its there for you.

We want wotlk game play with the old style talents and professions and retail doesnt offer that. Sounds right up your ally though. More changes foe you.


That will run with friends and guild members regardless so want to impose thier gameplay on everyone else. The audacity is right.

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Who cares. We dont have that so we discuss what we do based on what they told us they are planning. You are really reaching just to be able to argue. Its a little childish.

We are not going to start each comment with “If blizz does what they said they are olanning to do”, just to appease simple minded people that cant understand that we all know they could change thier minds.

Except we have the facts on our side. Dungeon Finder is a retail feature. Yes, it was in wrath (the latter half of it), but that was a mistake, as the devs have admitted.

Pure cope. You know this decision is not getting reversed.

report this trash troll and move on. Didnt even play classic. Doesn’t play TBCC. Quit SoM over “changes” and then comes crying for changes to wotlk. Report and move on.


I’m still playing SoM, so whatever troll lives in your head rent free is not me.

You are a liar. I hope anyone that sees this learns to not waste time responding to anything further from you. The devs never said lfd was a mistake. You completely made that up.

You and every other person continue to make fools of yourselves. You try to convince people with lies that actually play the game. That works when you are trying to sell a side to a 3rd party to convinve them. Like a judge in a court trial. But you fools try to spout your nonsense to the actual players that play the game. Every rediculous comment made about lfd is known not to be true by players that have actually used it. Like oh it is anti social. Who do you idiots really thing you are convincing with those false claims? Give it up already.

Lfd is not available in the content that matters in retail. Mythics. If not having lfd is all that is important to you then there it is. What you want is in retail. Go. Stop trying to change wotlk.


or maybe, just maybe, people who don’t want RDF are the ones who actually played back then and watched as RDF being anonymous crossrealm led to the destruction of server communities and socialization. You know…removing MMORPG elements from an MMORPG. Yeah, that’s not a good thing.

but no, everyone who disagrees with you is le evil reserve boogeyman



I played back then and i want RDF in the game.


Aww, you called me simple-minded. That’s cute, and kind of ironic because it came from you.

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I would love to see the socialization you believe is still in the game today that needs to be preserved that RDF would remove. Because to me the game is not the same as it was in 2008. People do not go out of their way to socialize in a MMO anymore. The only time conversation comes in a dungeon is when the group is failing even if you try to create the convo yourself. RDF will remove nothing because there is nothing to remove.


As much as I can understand that you want RDF, calling people names who have a different opinion isn’t a very great way to communicate with others.

Let’s have conversations where we can disagree and still get along in general, huh?

What communities? there are next to no dungeons, 600 spams for Boosters and GDKP’s you want a community join a guild FFS. Or use the world chat to talk with people like everyone does. No one talks to people in Dungeons regardless of if its a random cross faction or a group you wasted 2 hours putting together to do H Botanica… All you RFD haters are reaching so far you might as well be touching the sun.


No they don’t.

NO Dungeon Finder. I will die on this hill valiantly.