8-hour maintenance

Okay then probably option one. Instigating can be entertaining

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ITT a bunch of people who act like they know what’s going on making nothing more than fools of themselves.

Maintenance has always been a thing, I’ve been in WoW since 1.x and myself and maintenance downtime will probably still be in wow even by the time we get to 20.x this is nothing new.


I hope so. I hope one day we find they’ve always been doing live maintenance and server downtime has just been a way for them to have lunch parties all this time.

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“I’ve had feet since I was born, always had feet, why are you trying to make this round thing called a wheel. Always walked, always will walk.”

Thankfully we live in a world in which the smarter ones don’t agree. Otherwise these forums would not even exist. Why would they? “Born talking, always spoke, why do this thing called typing.”

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Other games exist besides wow
shocker, i know. i plan on playing ff14 myself while they’re down

Something like this.

Oh get over it.

If you want new content regularly, it comes with it’s fair share of maintenance.

Why 8 hours though?

Unless I missed something, nothing major is being released today

Just checked the calendar and MoP remix isn’t due until May 16…

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Probably something to do with:

Its code and infrastructure and both have been proven to be able to have near zero downtime. What is this?

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Khadgar is getting up there in years, Blizzard is giving him some time to sleep in.

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no matter maintenance length, there are always bugs. always.


It’s like wondering why you have to turn off your car to change the oil but don’t have to when changing the radio.

Well you don’t have to shut off the car. But the guy underneath sure appreciates it.


Those are only employed where there is a criticality and cost to doing so. No loss, no driving reason. What is Blizzard losing during the shutdown? Not your subscription.

You think banks put up redundant systems for the customer? They do not.

I mean, it IS kinda weird that WoW hasn’t meaningfully evolved their maintenance process in all this time. Some games manage live maintenance, and we get an 8 hour maintenance for a patch with some quests.

There’s also zero attempt to engage at a customer service level about the process. Like, we get told maintenance starts at X a.m. and will hopefully end at Y p.m. but that’s it. We don’t get told what stages they have to progress through or what stage their currently at or get real time updates to the end time, it’s just a black box that spits out arbitrary extensions 20 minutes after they’ve gone over time anyway. And we barely get 24 hour notice (Today being an exception, given it was patch day).

A reasonable person expected maintenance today. A reasonable person 15 years ago expected maintenance to work differently today than it does.

I think the reason why wow’s maintenance takes as longas it does is because it has a completely different kind of coding that they have used and continue to use than most mmos that are out there. I mean when it first was around it was one of the Immersive free world roaming kinds of games (not even Guild wars allowed you to jump around and stuff, that came in GW 2) so their coding might be different.

Basically… be glad they even DO maintenance. imagine trying to add new stuff and not doing any of the maintenance how much stuff not updated would break. :slight_smile: it’s always on tuesdays… every week. for the past 20 years. I would rather they take that time to ensure things work, then fix it the same day if they have to than have the game be nigh unplayable after they have things go live.

5% of what? Weekly? Monthly? Yearly?

They do 8 hour maintenance like half a dozen times a year, and most of those don’t last 8 hours. Plus the 1 hour maintenance is generally like 15 minutes, which is basically a server reset, the old turn it off and back on and to make sure it still works.

Did you add up all the 15 minute maintenance and deduct that from your calculations?

It’s an 8 hour maintenance every patch day, maybe a 1-2 hour maintenance the week before to upload all the data in advance, and 15-60 minutes for the remainder of every week.

Never, and I mean NEVER take any sort of vacation time on patch day with the expectation of playing WoW.

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