8-hour maintenance

Google and Amazon Web Services have several orders of magnitude of more information and they don’t shut down for maintenance.

“Oh but those are bigger than BattleNet!! blah blah blah”

Ok, Guild Wars 2 which is smaller than World of Warcraft does not shut down for maintenance.

What’s the excuse now? You’re right man people are just complacent.


They are far smaller than Wow. You already had your answer.

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So in other words, servers bigger than WoW and smaller than WoW can do it but not WoW.

Makes sense.


The companies are big but not running an MMO the size of WoW. Please tell me you legit know these things are different.

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OK Soulebreaker. You’re right, the grass is blue.

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Star Trek Online is far smaller than WoW and they shut down every week for 2+ hours.


It is in Ardenweld. Enjoy Google while maintenance is going on.

Google and Amazon Web Services have several orders of magnitude of more information and they don’t shut down for maintenance.

Guild Wars 2 which is smaller than World of Warcraft does not shut down for maintenance.

I gave you an example of something much smaller and much larger that can do it.

It’s called losing an argument, call it a day.

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This is a 20 year old game and we’re 18 months into the current expansion.

I’m not of the opinion there should be no maintenance but 8 hours, even for 10.2.7 patch, is excessive.

Hopefully in the future Microsoft can improve things because lets face it, under Kotick, these things were ignored and neglected.


Gw2 was made with a different engine than wow and was made with easy updates in mind. On a side note, you do have to reset the game when these small updates are added.

Good luck to you on that. At least it isn’t like FFXIV where it’s sometimes 24 hours long. And Blizz has gotten better with maintenance. It use to take days.

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You have yet to give an example of an MMO larger than WoW that does not shut down for maintenance. Google and AWS are vastly different services that are just not comparable at all.

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You are correct. They are both several orders of magnitude larger in scale, complexity, and active users.

They should have to shut down the servers for a century if it takes Blizzard 8 hours.

It’s obvious to anybody reading what you’re writing. That you are not making any sense.

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They are utterly incomparable. It’s like you’re asking why you need to flip off a breaker to replace an outlet when you can replace an appliance without needing to do the same.

And I’m glad you made this quote, showing your complete agreement with me.

I need to bookmark things more often; there was a Blue comment on a post not that long ago that gave some details about what took place during shutdowns and why they were necessary, etc. Of course, I cant remember now as I only glanced at it in passing.

However, seeing as how MAUs (Monthly Active Users) is one of their big reporting functions, I tend to assume that they don’t shut down the servers for extended periods (therefore reducing the potential user log ons) without good cause.


They have to clean the servers by hand with a toothbrush. These things take time.


Which is more fun:

Raging in a maintenance topic


Calling out the ones who make the maintenance topic

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Probably the second option if you’re really raging. By definition, that person is not having a good time lol

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My first option assumes you’re raging just for kicks. Sarcastic