8 hour maintenance thread chill and talk

So do you guys think that on top of the server frame work upgardes they are doing they are also gonna drop the mystery patch on us today? What are your thoughts on Dragonflight and the War within? Perhaps you wanna talk about any changes with microsoft calling the shots?

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lmao microsoft calls the shots on anyone who has a computer tbh.
Keeping an open mind with war within.

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They killed what little hype there was for the mystery patch with this scuffed Hearthstone event

DF is neither great nor bad, it’s somewhere in the middle

TWW looks lackluster at first glance, none of the “features” look particularly exciting or really stand out as an “OMG! i’m so excited!” thing. I think them re-rolling recolored Dwarves for like the 3rd time is a mistake, but that’s just me

They are missing a big opportunity to squeeze Sethrakks (…for example) into the game given the “underground” theme of the expansion

Basically anything else OTHER THAN recolored Dwarves would’ve gone over better with the playerbase, but given the dev’s history of doubling down/being stubborn I don’t see them changing things at the last minute


tbh i haven’t even tried it. Nothing is appealing to retail for me anymore. Hoping delves will change that going forward. But world content and pvp is what kept me and pvp has just gotten so unbearable in dragonflight it killed my retail enjoyment alongside it :frowning:


this is why i started over and am playing through all the old quests again from start to finish


If war within is dropping mid to late summer, we won’t see S4 until early May if its intent is to run roughly 3 months like shadowlands S4. So much work needs to be done for war within that I can’t help think it’s going to be delayed.

tbh i wouldn’t mind a delay. That way all the people who enjoy FF14 will get to get huge chunk of time within dawntrail before trying to multi task between The War within and Dawntrail.

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Glad DF is coming to and end. I’m still playing it but burnt out on most of it.
I know it sounds silly but with professions such as let’s say tailoring, I would like to see bag be upgraded to a min of 40 slots instead of let’s say 34 to 36. But in the end for me that’s just wishful thinking.

I’d like to also see with this whole “new” UI they did with DF actually stick to the way you set it up instead of resetting itself anytime it like even if you had it saved, when you didn’t reset it yourself. To me there’s nothing more annoying then going to do whatever and having to reset those because one you had with your skills is located somewhere else than where you had it.

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You’ll be playing the patch event day one don’t lie

Midnight will do that surely

The profession system was probably the worse thing for me in Dragonflight tbh. No catch up mechanics, it heavily punished you if you missed your weeklies, and invalidated them if you started to late. On top of it all it over complicated it by dumping all the changes in at once instead of slowly pushing them out over time. A complete fail in my book :frowning:

Hope that many fixes will go into it within TWW.


i wanna tank next xpac what you guys think i should play ?

Lies and deceit, people will be playing 3 days early instead of “day 1” lol.

I kind of hope 10.2.6 is a disaster with days of follow up maintenance so blizz doesn’t try anything like this again. It turned from a cool surprise to an annoying inside joke weeks ago. They could provide a release date and a preview without putting it on the PTR to be datamined. That would have worked out a lot better.

Warrior or paladin for average difficulty and fun. Guardian druid and blood dk for super easy and boring (but i find guardian druid to be a lot more fun than most). BW monk for uniquness and a different approach (i like it too but i feel like its only viable at cap and only cap). And i haven’t done a lot of dh tank or know to much about it to give advice or suggestions.

There will be big changes when we log back in, I will be a Shaman named Bruce… I will get used to it…,


Two things come to mind. Bruce wayne and you can be batman. Or bruce the alligator and have his hide as a helmet like durotan with his wolf.

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If you are not kul tiran I will be disappointed

If batman were a class I bet it wouldn’t be powerful, and what race would it be? Or maybe it would be a race…

hehe - resto batman