8/9M Mythic 1 Day Guild LFM

Wednesday Palooza is a one-day Alliance Mythic progression guild on US-Sargeras. We were established in 2015 and have a solid core of long-standing members.

Raid Time:
Tuesday 8:30pm - 12:30am EST

Our Progression:
7/8M Uldir
8/9M BoD
5/8H Eternal Palace

7/7M EN (Cutting Edge)
2/3M ToV
7/10M NH
6/9M ToS
10/11M Antorus

Our Philosophy:
Our guild has become a home to exceptionally skilled raiders, many of whom prefer not (or are not able) to schedule more than one day for raiding due to real-life commitments or personal preference.

A reliable roster is paramount to our success as a guild and we highlight the importance of attendance as missing one day is equivalent to missing an entire week of raiding. To maintain such a roster, we stress near perfect attendance; however, we do not push over our end time nor do we add any extra mandatory raid days.

While we have a short raiding schedule, we expect our raiders to be prepared and knowledgeable. We require that all members maintain personal character progression and class/role knowledge outside of raid times. We pride ourselves on a fun-yet-focused environment.

Outside of raid time, we have a very active community that enjoys running M+ and casual/rated PvP. Members often set up alt raid nights and rated battlegrounds for all those who are interested.

Are you Interested?
A trial period of approximately 3 weeks is used to determine how well you fit with our team. Perfect attendance during your trial is expected and required. The team will monitor how you play including class knowledge, a desire to self-improve, an understanding of our boss strategies, and your personality.

While all classes are welcome to apply, we are currently seeking the following classes for our team:


Demon Hunter - high


Any high


Priest low

If you are interested, please submit an application via the website below. Feel free to contact one of the officers listed in-game if you have any questions.

wednesdaypalooza dot com

Recruitment Officers:
Bigsteer#1581 - GM
Hirn#1181 - Raid Leader

Still looking for good recruits!

Still looking for new friends

Need more dads

Need heals as well

Hi Hello How are you

Helllooo! We need a holy paladin to come hang with us.

Looking for a friendly, competent holy paladin who likes to talk about healing things.

Who are you?

We’re full of memes and fun. Come join our jovial team.

Goood morning, friends! I just sat down to read the newspaper and says here Wednesday Palooza is looking for a holy paladin!

This is bob, looking for more peeps. Also bump for rasta kill this week

Looking for more friends!

Come join number 1 guild with Wednesday in the name but raids on tuesday

Shot countdown is imminent!

Buff Warlocks

Looking for more friends!

Consider making palooza part of your life

Looking for more DPS, inquire within!

Found ourselves a paladin but now we’re looking for a few more DPSers to round out our roster. We have a lot of fun! Check us out.