About Us:
Hello! We are looking for a good boomkin dps right now! I will leave our description below! If you are interested add one of our officers on bnet! I will also add you myself (cloudchuckin) is my bnet name 
<Shattered Moon Clan> is recruiting exceptional individuals to bolster our ranks. Not only exceptional in performance, but in attitudes as well. Our goal is to progress at an efficient pace, and at the same time build a community that people enjoy to be around. We are looking for players that not only enjoy progression raiding, but enjoy the game as a whole. If you are looking for more than just a raid guild, we can offer that. Our ranks have continuously grown over the years and people have developed strong friendships here. Our average player age is upper 20’s to low 30’s. We want to avoid the drama and toxicity some guilds foster, and provide a fun and enjoyable atmosphere for our members while also tackling the hardest challenges the game has to offer. If you are interested in the slightest please do not hesitate to contact us and we can chat.
We are starting anew on Thrall to represent the Horde. We were previously a Cutting Edge Alliance guild but due to playing on a dying server we decided this expansion was a good opportunity to server change and thought going Horde would be a nice change of pace as well. Most of our members have achieved Cutting Edge for all raid tiers of Legion and plan to continue to do so in Battle for Azeroth.
8/8M Uldir
9/9H BOD
7/9M BOD
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 8:30 - 12:00 EST
Tuesday and Thursday are main progression nights.
Wednesday night is where we will get in our farm to supplement mythic progression and do other content; such as mount farms.
We expect raiders to maintain a near perfect attendance rate. We understand things come up in real life, but there are people here that are counting on YOU to attend every raid. If things do come up, all we ask is that you contact an officer ASAP and let us know your situation.
Loot Rules:
Loot has always been distributed by loot council so we will use a similar system. We have had just about zero problems when it comes to loot, and we want to keep it that way. We wish to avoid loot driven players. We’re here to kill bosses as a guild, loot is just a bonus.
Recruitment Needs:
Tanks: Full, will consider exceptional applicants.
Ranged DPS: Open, Considering ALL
Melee DPS: Full
Even if your class/role is not listed above, we will talk with any player that wishes to apply.
Application Process:
We expect all possible recruits to fill out a questionnaire that will be provided once you contact us. After completion of the questionnaire we will have a brief meeting with you via our discord server.
Contact Information:
If you are interested in applying to <Shattered Moon Clan> or have any questions please feel free to contact either via Battlenet:
Thorns#11386 - Guild Master
Rekars#1690 - Officer