8.3 broadcast text for raid

I find it interesting that nzoth shows us sylvanas deal with azshara


God dammit, Wrathion lives.


of course he does, he has already prepared new shiny cloaks for us!


I’m out of the loop. Why does this displease you?

Wrathion: I learned that it doesn’t take much for my friends to believe I betrayed them.

lmao what a baby.

Also, it feels kinda weird that we apparently use the the Forge of Origination to drop N’zoth. What’s the point of Xal?

I think we use Xal to make him volunerable, and then use the Forge? Or maybe it’s the other way around.

It’s difficult to get a clear story without 100% of the picture.

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My suspicion is we trap the mind/spirit of N’zoth in the dagger, and then fry his body with the Forge. It may of been what N’zoth had planned all along as a contingency plan. He is clever enough to have worked out a “break glass in case of murder hobo” plan.


Ugh! Why are they taking Ra-den from us, not even a patch after coming back? Why not corrupt Odyn?! Nobody likes Odyn and plenty of people want to kill him. Why do we have to kill off an actually likable character?


The same reason why they won’t let us kill Sylvanas and Azshara.

I suspect the dagger will be used in the post battle cutscene and the forge during the fight itself.


The Circle of Stars it seems is N’Zoth himself not the Last Prison… He gloats that we will never leave the circle.

To meet him in his mind we must drown ourselves at the Circle of Stars… Within the depths of his body.

Circle of Stars here: https://youtu.be/H3HlOqQucrk?t=820

I like Odyn.


Anyone who presumes to know everything, then releases an incredibly dangerous war criminal who has no intention of saving the planet, under the pretense that he can form some mega-Horde to fight the Legion, but actually ends up kicking off the series of events that brings the Legion TO the planet (and subsequently the stabbing) deserves to be beaten to death outside of a vision.

The fact that we lose Ra but not Wrathion is the worst possible outcome.


So what you’re saying is that Wrathion is the reason the Legion is gone since he started the chain of events that led to the return of Illidan?

I’ll have to remember to thank him for making my DH main possible!


Isn’t it just like a human paladin to blame a poor up and comer purely for results rather than for intentions or effort. If we’re going to have room for innovation, we need room to try boldly and fail.

Especially when we’re the last plot relevant dragon and bring a certain, comment on dit…smolder to the fanart.

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Damn it.

Why is the true measure of a character’s worth always sex appeal?

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So, N’zoths last words are “deals… i like deals”, and Wrathion presumably has the dagger Xal’atath at this point??

we dont know if the lines are in older, there are also mechanics (i think) where players are charmed to nzoth. that being said the post raid dialogue describes him as vanquished. and it seems the forge of origination does him in


With nzoth gone the void made a joke blizz csn use sylvanas to bring in the death gods who serve the death lords that want to make azeroth a death titain that will make everything death.

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This is interesting though finding out its a vision from Nzoth how we learn about Azshara and Slyvanas’ working together leaves doubt that he told us the truth truth, especially since we already know the void considers Slyvanas a threat.

Mind you this could turn out to be Blizz going for an interesting side where Nzoth is showing us the vision of the were all traitors future (the one blizzard intended before the loyalists put our foot down on the absurdity of betraying a warchief who didn’t betray the Horde forcing the half baked Loyalist path) where a pissed off Slyvanas is done with everybody.

Personally my thought is the true version is the same except the last part meant to turn us against Slyvanas (or even more in nonloyalist case), where what she actually said was telling Azshara not to pull any punches for our sake lest Nzoth or us figure out before its too late.