8.2 What are you enjoying most?

Honestly, nothing. Presumably once I unlock flying I won’t be so annoyed by the new zones, but possibly not. The new zones just make me feel guilty for not working on them, but I’m not having fun in them. Meanwhile, doing older BFA content feels pointless.


The anti-gravity packs its so close to flying again.


Despite my other gripes for 8.2, Nazjatar is pretty damn beautiful, particularly the artwork and music of the zone. Honestly been looking forward to going there since the entire War of the Ancients and Warcraft 3 backstory.

The new cinematics have also been very well done. I’m hoping that’s not all we’re getting with this patch, since the War Campaign portion is brief.


Fire mage being a good spec again in PvE


I really enjoy using Makrura tails and antigravity boots. So much stuff to find. Lots of stuff that make the questing easier. I enjoyed unlocking the puzzle world quests and learning about the mage. He seems like an elementalist. (the link between naga shaman and elves?)


My favorite part is collecting starfish in the phasing in Nazjatar. I get to see who’s faster, me vs. phasing.


When they are ever up lol. Been lucky to get in on at least two rare kills so far lol. Said it in another thread. Got over that camping rares bs a long time ago when I spent hours camping the rare hunter pets in northrend, and hyjal. No patience for that rubbish anymore. To each his own I guess.


There’s a rare off the coast of Mechagon as you’re headed to the string of islands in the SW. Been up every time I’ve crossed that area. Was up and engaged when I flew over it doing the Pirates daily quest last night, and was up again when I was swimming back, killed it. I’ve killed that rare every day since the patch dropped.

It’s not stupid easy to find rares, but there are quite a number of them for what’s relatively a small sized zone. Flying will of course make this easier, but the days when the jetpack construction rig is available, just grab one and fly around hunting rares.

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Working towards flying feels nice.

Ya that was one of the rares I got yesterday. Saw while getting the explore Mechagon achievement out of the way.

That string of islands has 2-3 more rares. There’s an ettin, a mechagnome sentry thing, and a murloc. I think on the PTR there was a 4th one but I don’t remember the mob type.

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Did not know that thanks.

I have done a lot in Nazjatar. That zone is awesome. I discovered that you get 250 rep for each of the legendary pet battles. For the first time ever, I focused on pet battles and got them all with the achieve!

I love how Nazjatar is designed. There are so many nooks and crannies to explore, like underwater caves, or caves that lead you into the wall of water. I can’t wait to find it all!

There are random events which keep you interested.

The zone is beautiful.


running around all of nazjatar trying to find 10 starfish or 3 every specific rares ( some rares dont count for the quest). spent 5hrs on 2 daily quests


Tauren heritage armor.


I can see how that would be confusing. See, you need to kill rares, not rares. It makes sense when you don’t think about it.

Were you RP walking through it?

I’ve been enjoying Mechagon. Spent yesterday grinding out the Mechanocat construction and now am seeking out the paint vials so I can paint it different colors.

Daddy wants his Mechagon Gold Mechanocat please.

Honestly I wish the Mechanocat had taken more grinding. One day of every rare + the public event and then a little bit of gridning after got me the mount. The paint vials are strictly chance drops.

I would’ve been fine if the mount grind had taken a week say, or a couple days of serious grinding. Just feels odd to have the motivation be completed so quickly I guess.

Edit: For those going to Mechagon. Warmode vs Non Warmode are VASTLY different experiences. If you are in Warmode you won’t get anything accomplished without being in a raid group.

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Enjoying world pvp, Nazjatar is very pretty while you’re a ghost.


I enjoyed that Mythic Jaina’s energy bar fills up much slower than in 8.1.5 making the boat phase less of a cluster. Best undocumented change I’ve ever seen.

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