8.2 Is your Guild ready?

With Classic looming around the corner and the drop off pre-8.2, what’s your Guild up to?

How many of ya plan on jumpin’ to Classic?

They are preparing for AEP raiding, recruiting new members for that. As well as working on the next guild rp campaign storyline ideas.

We have no urge to jump to classic.


All I’m saying is if i see ya out there im gonna get ya, alliance :sparkling_heart:

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I probably picked the worst time begin starting over with mine. It’s very difficult to recruit, we have enough people to push Mythics but it’s been slow otherwise.

Being hopeful for 8.2.

Emerald Reapers will continue the same trend. Some of us will play classic casually such as myself.


The Ashen Vale will continue to exact revenge for the burning of Teldrassil while aiding our allies on Emerald Dream.

For the Vale!

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Meh ill jump on for some nostagia but from what im seein alot of people are gettin on the test and are a buncha children and already they moan about spawn rates and pretty much everything that made classic wow classic lol

You say that now… But I remain, unconvinced.

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FTFY. :wink::innocent: