8.2.5 Discussions (Spoilers Ahoy!)

Yeah, I’m not sure. I’m torn between thinking this is somehow salvageable and just wanting Sylvanas to say “I have to go now, my planet needs me” and then drift off into space* and then we can get on with the next expansion and pretend this didn’t happen.

*Sylvanas died on the way back to her planet

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Honestly, if anyone should get the treatment Wrathion’s been getting, it’s her. Just let her go off to be shady, it would totally be in character and we can then pretend nothing happened while we fight Fel Voidlord Azshara or something in the next expansion.

Pull a ‘Realm Reborn’ and utterly decimate the current world, then have us restart in a new one. And dissolve the factions and force the player species to work together to survive without going for braindead faction pride crap.


Royal succession is all the justification you need, right?

You CAN restart in a new one…it’s called Classic! You don’t think you want it, but you do. Apparently.

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Hell, the most successful campaign I’ve ever run was one where the “Good Guys” won, the nominally “Evil” races got the heck out of dodge and the good guys spent a thousand years murdering each other because all they knew how to do was take other people’s stuff and claim they were the chosen heroes, while the bad guys (playable races) built their own functional societies on Fantasy Australia and spent most of their time dealing with monsters, unravelling the secrets of their new homeland and dealing with endless invasions of xenophobic, degenerate versions of Dwarves, Elves and Humans.

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For being King of Stormwind, absolutely. But the fact that all of the other vastly more experienced leaders of the Alliance just decided to let Anduin inherit supreme leadership right out of the gate just because his dad was (allegedly) super cool is bonkers.

Like… really? You’re all just going to let the kid go from high school hippie all the way up to supreme leader? No practice rounds or letting him sit in on a few meetings first to get his feet wet? Just throwing him right into the deep end?

It’s easy to complain about Sylvanas because her brand of awful is so flashy and right at the center of the camera, but I genuinely think Anduin is just as bad for the writing of this expansion. Just in a much, much more boring way that could easily have been fixed if humans had stopped being the core of every Alliance storyline. You could have given the “High King” role to literally any of the other leaders, and it would’ve been so much more interesting to see Anduin struggle with really proving himself as a new leader, caught between standing beside his allies and not wanting to escalate the war.

Anduin being High King just plain sucks.


Pretty sure there’s no internal logic as to how anyone in any faction is put in command.

Anduin’s totally unfit to be King and the Horde is currently on their third round of fighting to free themselves from a genocidal tyrant they willingly shackled themselves to, yet how these things keep happening isn’t even mentioned.


Why are we meeting fart ghosts though?

Because this is how Azeroth ends.

Not with a bang, but with a loud, wet fart.

I’m kind of fine with whatever.

As much as I enjoy pointing out the flaws in the story and storytelling, and laughing at parts of it while also sometimes having those jaw-dropping moments of “wait, really?” – I also don’t mind it on like, some deep level.

“It is what it is,” and what it is to me is a silly video game. I actually don’t want to be overly invested in it. I appreciate detaching from my actual hobbies to play a game and I appreciate detaching from the game to keep the focus on my characters.

If I wanted a real engaging RPG, I’d probably go or lead a tabletop campaign.

Yeah, it’s frustrating at points, even when taken that way, as there are plenty of “I wish they did…” or “I wish we could…” moments… but whatever.

So yeah, if it ends in a silly way but we’re in a cool new zone, I’ll enjoy it fine. And to be honest, I’ll probably think it’s silly no matter what they do.


Not going to lie, this expansion is just to the point where so long as we escape it, I could frankly care less if the monkeys writing for Sylvanas try to pain her as a great hero. I personally just the writers to in subtle words “GET US THE HELL OUT OF THIS EXPAC AND BAN THE SYLVANAS WEEABOO FROM WRITING AGAIN!”

Outside of that, I’ll probably ignore any attempt they make at making Sylvanas seem good cause, well, that’s not how it works. I just want us to get back to a expac where BLizzard’s A-Team is writing (Wrath, MoP, Legion) and where I can treat any Sylv fanboys in RP like modern alt-right in being loud, dumb and to be ignored.

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Isn’t the Sylvanas Weeb in a fairly high position at Blizz?

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Unfortunately yes. But since money talks, and BfA hasn’t exactly been as cash inducing as say… Legion? Overlord Benjamin might speak to Blizz soon.

I just want the character cap increased and classes working a bit better. Get in a real designer to lead, leave the story as it is. I WANT to be able to laugh at the story at this point, damn I’d be sad if we all lost that particular past time :0

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They got rid of Kotick after his “quirky” sensibilities turned the entire 1-60 leveling experience into a prolonged joke. Now that Danuser’s gotten to insert his insert in places where it doesn’t go until everybody’s royally sick of him, he might play a diminished role going forward.

I said might. Blizzard’s responses to feedback are…erratic.

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Dammit, Azhaarder, you make this too easy sometimes.

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That one was on purpose.


I am so proud of you.


I wish this were what you meant, but I’m guessing there’s supposed to be a different name in that line.

Am I missing a joke here? Bobby Kotick is still signing the checks at Activision.