8-10 min. Queue times for BGs on patch release?

Dead game, or what?

Should be instant queue, especially with the minimum ilvl requirements for Rated anything.


I don’t think I waited more than 4 minutes Horde or Alliance side.



(post deleted by author)

I’m at 34 minute queues for bg blitz (1800 rating).

If WoW was a free to play game, I would be mad about this.

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depends on mmr. im at 2k and games are 11min ques.
so stupid. they need to just get rid of servers and combine
eveyone into one server and max out population pools

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Only because you took another queue brother i can assure you its not that way for the groups ive done

i was hoping to que up for 4-5 games before work. but over the span of 3 games i’ve sat in que for over 30 mins. its almost best to throw games until your mmr is 1500 and work your way up. TF you need 2k mmr for when your cr is 0?? all you do is sit and sit and sit. blizz is such a garbage compant for pvp

I took no other queues while waiting. There were a few “almost” matches where 14/16 players readied up.

Anyway no you can’t have my gold. Goodbye!

I think people were waiting for premades to top off their bank alts with currency real quick or something. Too many people farming unrated to bother.

Dead game. Regular bg q on ally was 8 mins

Ain’t nobody rushing home from work/school to hop on this draconian game. Needs to be taken out back and sun setted. All these top wow pvp streamers are all on classic and rather be there, sad time line we are in. Even Pikaboo has been clocking more hours on classic than retail, pathetic lol.

Imagine spending your limited time on a video game, where you have to wait almost an hour for a queue to pop. Even more than 5 minutes is unacceptable. Then only to get trolled by a garbo player in ranked or have a bunch of parasites running organized raids in casual dad mode. I can farm multiple games on ranked marvels and actually have a good time in the time 1 queue pops on WoW. #wow2025 #whyarewestillhere #dadcomehome

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Players might still be farming honor gear, queues will start popping later.

10 minute queue for Rated BG is pretty good. I did get a 35min queue yesterday .

But tonight it’s 4-5 mins.

Queues have been region wide for several years now.