8.1 Massive bugs running amok

With this most recent patch I’ve encountered some game breaking bugs, along with some that are more nuisances that have made the game unplayable in its current form.

  1. Combo/Holypower/Chi generation - Very rare for my rogue, almost every fight in world, dungeons, PVP, and raids on my Pally, and 50/50 on my monk when it comes to generating points/power on mobs or players. Could be at the start of the fight where none of the generators work lasting for the duration of the fight, or stopping mid way through a fight only to work again if I kill the mob it stopped generating on. It’s crippling to classes that require generator abilities to build up to finishers, which is the main source of these classes output. Disabling all addons/patching game does not work.

  2. Quests not tracking/counting pickups - In the new Darkshore event and the invasions seem to be insanely buggy at best. I’ve had mobs die but can’t loot due them standing up and having 1/4 health for some reason, picked up items only to watch as the item claims to be looted but the tracker doesn’t update/count it for multiple items (generally a relog might work, and no I’m never in raids for these either). Mobs falling through the world for no reason only to evade bug and despawn mid fight. Even daily chests seem to be bugged to the point that completing the correct quest for the faction doesn’t give you credit, did 3 Tortollan quests only to find out not a single one counted.

  3. Combat/Rubberbanding - As in constantly being stuck in combat for no reason despite having no mobs around and 2 minutes later nothing has come to take a swipe at you. Only fix I’ve found for this is to /logout and log back in. Also jumping onto a wyvern only to land at said place and not dismount for a few minutes to be randomly dropped somewhere else on the world. The most extreme case I’ve had happen to me was in KT where it bounced me from drustvar to vuldun and I was randomly falling from the top of the world. Otherwise it just rubber bands you back somewhere along the flight path to randomly drop/sometimes kill you.

Mythics - Several mythic +'s have now become dead keys due to bosses bugging out, think Rocky in TOS. Now he will randomly spawn lightning so high that unless you’re lucky or got a DH that can double jump he’ll freely absorb it and wipe your party. Not to mention he’ll generate 2-5 beams from one outcropping while 2-3 more are going from others around the room making it impossible to absorb and instantly causing you to fail the mechanic. This is just an example of one of the bosses, their is almost 1 in every M+ now that got a mechanic rework that has some issue with the functionality - either being non existent or super tuned and impossible to counter (unless you get good RNG and they don’t bug out).


I’m getting the combo point bug now on my 119 rogue. I don’t know what to do, I disabled all add-ons, same result. It slowly goes from my combo points not working to none of my abilities working. After about 10minutes the toon becomes completely unplayable. I was in an island expedition and this happened to me earlier, First my combo points stopped working, then I wasn’t able to resurrect. I would resurrect as a ghost and not be able to attack or do anything. Then every spell on my bars becomes unusable. I get the message “can not do that while stunned”. The game literally just “breaks” on me. It is literally unplayable.

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I’m getting the same results on my 120 Monk and 116 level Druid, but in open areas (Zones Tiragarde and Vol’Dun). It seems like extremely heavy lag despite having a latency of 32-33 ms, with resetting my modem and network having little effect.

The issues often don’t begin until I’ve spent a few minutes in the zones, but once they begin combat is almost impossible since as the posters above have noted, combo and chi generator actions do not produce the desired resources. If I hearth out to another zone, that tends to fix things-- until I try to go back to the zone and finish the quests/world quests there. It’s crippling.

Sometimes I will leave a zone via a flight path, and my character appears to be “swimming” through the air. Once he crosses into Zandalar, he immediately “poofs” onto riding the appropriate flight path ride for the rest of the journey.

This leads me to believe it’s a case of heavy load/lag specific to zones, but as to what’s the cause, I have no idea. Please look into this. Thanks in advance!

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I too am running into these same bugs mentioned here. I am leveling a monk currently in Talador and find that I can’t generate and use chi abilities. I also find that when mounting, the mount does not load and I fly/swim through the air. Lastly, after rezzing, I find that I am still in the ghost world and cannot perform any actions even though I can aggro enemies. I have encountered similar issues on my max level characters while in zandalar/kul tiras. As others have mentioned, this makes the game nigh impossible to play.

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Blizz doesn’t care, they just want to push new content. It’s ok if the game breaks

I’ve been running into this same issue on my Shaman and Paladin. It doesn’t consistently happen and I don’t know how to recreate the bug, only that resource generation will stop for the duration of the fight, then fill to max when combat drops.
I also noticed that after that point, if I go into ghost wolf as the shaman, it won’t actually change me into the wolf, but give me the speed buff. Then if i try to enter combat using an ability, it will say I can’t do that while transformed. Relogging has been the only way to clear the bug.

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I was having the same issue, set WoW to compatibility mode for Windows 7, and it has been 8 hours and no issues. It used to happen within the first two hours of game play for a consistent 4 days

I am only have the issues on my Druid which I just started playing again. Issues seemed to happen after shape-shifting. No problem on my Monk

I am having the combo point bug on my monk/druid. Could we please get some acknowledgement on it?

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I came here to say that I have been getting these exact three bugs on my Paladin.

Another common bug on all characters is that when I mount up, it doesn’t show the mount and instead the character runs really fast. When this happens, spells/abilities that would normally dismount the character do not, and an error is reported instead to the effect telling me I cannot do that when mounted.

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I feel like the combo/point generation is a connectivity issue, like the information being sent to the server and back is getting incredibly backed up, and if I had to guess it’s likely some sort of world instancing/sharding changes made in 8.1 to accommodate raids forming and disbanding. It just feel terrible waiting almost a minute for anything to generate.

I don’t think I’ve had it occur in an instance yet, though I may have not noticed.

Same here, been having the combo point bug nonstop on my rogue. Logging out and back in helps for a little while, but then it’ll start all over again. Makes rogue practically unplayable. Also having the other two bugs as well, especially the ‘in combat’ bug, pretty much the entire expansion. /reload doesn’t really help either. Wth Blizz???

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