7th Guild Bank Tab Permissions Issue

I set the permissions on the 7th tab, and after some time, they appear to reset only allowing the GM toon to access them. I’ve seen a report of this also on the EU forums but nothing on the US side yet. Anyone else seeing this?


I am also having this problem. I’m a GM and have to reset it daily for people to be able to use it. It’s SUPER annoying

They did some patch to get it to work originally because we used to be able to buy the voucher but not use it. Unfortunately, ever since then, whenever Blizz sends out even the smallest patch it will reset that 7th tab. Happens all the time to me too. No word on a fix yet though. There are threads about this already but no Blue reply that I have seen yet. :cry:

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Pretty much every week / patch.
It’s not like the 7th Tab is a brand new feature…

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