Doin it big! need DPS! 321go!
6/11M onto the crab boss!
hey are u guys looking for fury/arm warrior? i’m currently 6/10M exp and 276 ilvl
Crab boss lazer beamed pplz faces!
big crab punchers! anyone else wanna punch crabs ?!
4 % wipe on the crab!
doin crab things! gonna do anduin things!
7/10M! big proggers
Well I am neither of what you’re looking for but I am a returning player this tier and haven’t gotten a chance to step into mythic yet but have watched my guild from the sidelines. Last night was the straw for the guild and we have disbanded and now I am looking for a new team and somewhere I can raid that suits my hours and needs. I am a fairly competitive player looking for a semi-hardcore group and honestly feel like I would be a good fit. I have a fairly decent history in raiding since ToS (Legion) and have atleast cleared half of every raid tier in Mythic since. Currently I am playing a SV hunter and I have a Boomkin that I’ve been working on, on the side. I would like to continue playing my hunter but I am not in total objection to making a swap. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me @ Aero#12234. Look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!
hello friends clearing to andy!
Lf H priest! any priesty bois around? would consider other throughput healers too!
hello friends! any prog havers around?
Big CE bois! LFM raiders!
hello friends? anyone looking for a longstanding guild with a history of getting CE?
LF Holy Pali! any holy palis around ?
Any healers ?! or other CE bois?
hello friends any ranged bois!?
Any ranged bois? shadow priest, boomkin, mage possible hunter!
Hey Club House, look forward to speaking if you’re interested. Thanks.
hello friends! LF ranged bois OR enh man!