7/9M 3k+ io Blood DK LF Guild

My current guild has decided to stop raiding this tier due to burnout from many of the players so we kept missing too many raid days due to not having the numbers. I miss the home realm of Bleeding Hollow so trying to take the time now to see if anyone needs a tank. If not a tank, I also have a 444 ilvl warlock alt, but I enjoy tank raiding more. Hours I’m looking for are 2-3 day guilds that start around at 8pm EST, or start at 10pm EST at the latest.

Ultimate goal is CE. I know most guilds like to have a few more than 20 in case of attendance and I understand that benching is part of the raiding process and am always comfortable with sitting if asked.

BNET - Ronny#11134
Discord - ronny1520
