Hi, looking for some ppl to run keys with on a consistent basis instead of sitting in Dorn on lfg forever lol. Doesn’t even necessarily need to be a push group just looking for some competent ppl to do stuff with. I stopped pushing keys at like 2750 on my rogue really early on in the season since this season has not really been too enjoyable for me but I do play a lot of alts and I do farm keys on my main weekly and on all my alts.
Got several toons i’m working on gearing up atm and would be nice to have a group to go key to key with instead of waiting 30 minutes in between for tank or healer (:
Add and msg me on discord - thenocturna
https://raider.io/characters/us/area-52/Slythr https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/area-52/Slythr?difficulty=4