Life long tank player (DK, DH, Druid, Monk, Warrior,Pally) looking for a long-term home. I have been tanking on and off my whole life. I am looking for a place to call home. I have multiple AOTCs under my belt but I think I want to try for more! I have 7/8H exp this expac and AOTC in Season 3 in DF (latest AOTC).
Now, I know most people already have their tanks…so I “might” be open to playing DPS for a place that is willing to help me and not throw me out. I am a positive person and gamer and I just want to help others and enjoy the game. So that opens the door for:
FDK / Feral / WW/ Fury / Ret. ALso, if someone needs a healer, I would love to learn to heal on my monk or pally. I can raid most days from 8EST to 11:00Est. (no sooner, no later)
Do I sound like I might fit? Leave your guild information and I’ll get back with you. I will be running delves and dungeons on all these guys.
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Whats up dude, if youre interested in tanking or dps-ing, our guild has available spots.
We are a newly formed guild, and are curently working on heroic progression. Sun/Mon at 5pm server time.
We are currently 6/8H 8/8N
So if you wanna give us a shot, hmu.
good luck out there man
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Throwbois is recruiting for H Nerubar Palace
We are a core group of friends recruiting to blast heroic and potentially early mythic if the group is capable.
Raid times: Friday 9-12 Est
Hit me up if you are interested in joining.
Whodatboi#11245 - bnet
Jonathanqt - discord
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Immortal Paradox could us a tank for the rest of our AOTC progression Give me a shout if interested Disc Scudder80
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Please reach out if you think this will be a good fit! Will leave info and contact below.
Unhaltable is a EST midcore guild that is focusing on pushing keys and raiding Our goal is to clear AOTC by the end of the season.
Current Progress
Raiding Schedule:
The people we’re looking for:
- People who are looking for heroic raiding and want to improve.
- Are able to make most raid days in a reasonably consistent manner
- Friendly players who support each other.
- Prioritizing Heals and Tanks and ranged DPS at the moment.
- People who enjoy hanging out on Discord and guild chat, we want to have a lively and chill atmosphere.
What we’re trying to offer:
- free repairs and consumables
- a friendly group to be around and do content with!
We push keys during the day when we’re not raiding and are trying to help out with everyone’s gearing!
If you’re interested or have any questions. Please message me on discord (jc94)!
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Apothic Anarchy (Malfurion) is currently looking for all roles for our progression raid team (Currently 4/8H)! We raid on Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 8:30-11:30pm Eastern.
We also have a secondary raid team on the weekend that is currently 8/8N. This team meets on Fridays & Sundays from 8-11pm Eastern. For our progression raiders, this is an alt raid.
We are also working on putting together a team for rated battlegrounds if that is something you are interested in!
If you have any questions, you are welcome to reach out to me on discord:
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Hello! I am Nakkita, lead recruiter for Eclipsed on Stormrage…one of our teams, team Nebula, is looking for a solid and reliable Blood DK for their roster core…the team is 7/8H…if you are available to raid Tuesday’s and Thursday’s from 7-10pm EST and are interested please contact me at my Discord: nakkita76 thank you
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we have another team that needs a Blood DK that raids Wed/Mon’s from 8-11pm EST if that fits? 
Yes it does! Do you have a discord?
yes here’s my Disc: nakkita76
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