The Race to World First Castle Nathria Has Begun!

The Race to World First Castle Nathria Has Begun!

The race to see who can be the first to defeat Sire Denathrius in the heart of Revendreth—Castle Nathria—begins this week. The best of the best will face the monstrosities within to see who can cross the finish line and claim World First!

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MEGAHYPE!!! Really excited for this one!


With the horrible scaling of normal and heroic alone, I can’t imagine how long mythic will take.


Lets go Method!


Yawn. Fix legacy scaling.


Who cares about this world 1st crap. It’s a video game and has no affect on life…


Same can be said about all of the various sports, the Olympics, any form of art such as movies, books, etc. etc.

None of the above has an effect on life, yet people lose their minds over their team winning or losing a game.

Let people enjoy what they enjoy.


I’m ready to watch 14 DK’s and Druids dps…Fix your trash balance you hamsters. 16 years and you still have 30% damage gaps between classes and specs.


Who cares!!!


I thought this as well but maybe it’s because I really am just a mean old man like the neighbor’s kids say. /shrug

That’s great. Fix legacy content tho.


Oh boy who will be first I’m so excited I’m on the edge of my coma


Go for it while everyone else is been nerfed from Torghast. Yup,I see what you did there.

Hey what’s with that buggy Flappy Fap Quest in Bastion?

Vahlan’s got a point. You can cite the Olympics and sports all you want.

Look at How China won the 1993 Gold medals. They were tested for steroids and blood doping over and over. “cheating” when the USA’s rivals are doping and roiding.

Turns out they were eating cordyceps fungi that grow at high altitudes. Clever use of game mechanics.

The race is a minigame in the World of Warcraft. It’s just a side quest when you think about it. Maintaining a virtual holodeck is the service, I mean game.

Not really excited. The Corruption effects in 8.3 should have been a clue that hey, maybe you should treat subscribers as loyal customers rather than corrupted demon dogs that flood your digital worlds to cull the populations of digital wildlife. Just throwing that out there… no, not me, that’s how design works in 2020.

Thanks Tim

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While I agree let people enjoy what they enjoy, you couldn’t be more wrong. Lots of various forms of art can completely change a person’s life. So do many sporting events, especially the Olympics. Jesse Owens roflstomping a certain dictator’s finest in 1936 or the USA underdogs beating the Russians in hockey during the Cold War are two immediate examples that come to mind.

To compare a world first mythic run to the Olympics and say none of it effects life…unreal…

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I mean…say what you will, the Olympics don’t affect me at all? If we’re going down the route of saying events have an effect on our lives, then that’s hardly false. If we’re going to claim it has an effect universally on everyone, I agree the Olympics are far more impactful. But to me personally, I’ve long since stopped caring about that, and find esports far more interesting to watch.

Better yet, let people enjoy what people enjoy, and don’t judge others on what does and does not affect their personal lives.


It’s 100% false. Just because something doesn’t affect you doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect someone else. You literally pointed this out, and that’s why letting people enjoy what they enjoy is better than throwing out hyperbolic statements like the Olympics and art don’t have an effect on life as a defense of what you love. All I’m saying.

Are these the guys spamming out the LFD tools?.

Are these the guys poisoning my google results with paid services as your support team then bans them for account sharing?.

Are these the guys running bots in Bastion for the last 3 weeks?.

Are these the guys exploiting in BG’s?.

Why should we care, when you don’t anymore?.

But that’s the point I’m making; it doesn’t affect me. I even acknowledge that’s not the case for everyone, but you’re focused on me talking ill about the Olympics. All I’m saying is not everything affects everyone the same way, and people are free to enjoy what they enjoy. I’m not sure why that’s controversial to say unless you flat out want me to change the part where I talk down about an event that has no effect on my life.

Meh, this conversation doesn’t matter in the long run either. It’s too early for bickering.