The Race to World First Castle Nathria Has Begun!

Go Method Go!!!

Fix Torghast

People actually care about this? lol

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I can’t wait to see who wins the Castle Nathria LFR world first.

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Who cares. Why make a role-playing game with a cool storyline and ton of stuff going on just to create a competition to see who can rush through it the fastest? Just enjoy the game.

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A system that soft locks you into specs and you guys can’t even decently balance. This race is probably half the reason some specs are the way they are.

Blizzard: we have time gated everything so people don’t rush through our content. Also Blizzard: ITS A RACE TO SEE WHO CAN BE THE FIRST TO CLEAR OUR CONTENT!


Completing the raid on the hardest difficulty first =/= rushing

Not marathon sprint through everything Shadowlands has to offer.

Mongoloids man


No one cares about world firsts anymore. It was cool years ago when it actually mattered…

It never mattered and was always only for fun for 99% people, kind of like sports. Only the players get anything out of it but people still watch.