If you play with friends who have the same armor type you can typically trade pieces if they’re duplicates or in a legendary slot.
I want to join a guild, they don’t want what I want to play.
Some guilds will take warriors, but what they want is Arms warriors. What I want to play is Fury (if I play warrior).
Many guilds will take ranged dps, some even specify “hunter”. But what they mean by that, usually, is “MM hunter”. But I’d prefer to play Survival or BM (Survival is my favorite spec atm).
If my core problem is “class balance is insanely borked atm” and said class balance is making it obnoxious to try to do guild stuff, then saying “join a guild /4head” isn’t very helpful.
Your title says it all. I don’t even have to read the OP to know Denesh is correct.
Being in a guild WITH PEOPLE YOU ACTUALLY LIKE AND TALK TO is key to enjoyment in WoW.
Everything is easier and more fun with guildies.
These don’t have to be IRL friends. I’ve only met a handful of my guildies in person, and my GM–with whom I have played this game for 15 solid years–is a man we’ve never met, but we care about his kids and when he’s not feeling well or having a bad day.
They become your friends.
Don’t join a guild that spam invites you. Join a guild, get on comms, and assess whether you like the vibe of the people there. If you don’t, gquit and try another one. FIND. YOUR. TRIBE.
It will change the game utterly and completely.
75% of people who play this game are not worth being friends with.
Actually socializing in an mmorpg can enhance your experience playing drastically for the better. Though, that’s just the obvious.
I play with a guild of friends, and this expac is empty and unrewarding. Most of the problems with this expac could have been fixed if they had actually listened to beta feedback.
It isn’t just your statistic that’s hyperbolic. The entire post is. Its ridiculous to assume that everybody has a life that lets them schedule their activities around when their friends or guild will be available. A lot of the player base gets play time when they can, which inevitably means that playing with friends or guildies is not a realistic option some, or even most of the time. My friends list used to be full, but has dwindled by a lot, and most of the people who left, have left because they just can’t play the game where everything is gated, and they feel like they can’t achieve anything in the limited time they have to play. They are always behind because they cant always log in day to day or sometimes missing a whole week(s). And with everything gated with no catch-ups, and no bad luck protection for gearing, they feel like they are spinning tires and getting nowhere. So they go play something else.
I had lots of friends that played…once. Then Blizzard released progressively worse xpacs that eventually caused them all to quit.
grinding KARA and BC.
Good memories.
My guild died, One day people just stopped logging on and I was all alone.
So I found new guild that promised friendly conversation , dungeons and raiding, 6 months later nobody was logging in and the guild went dead with SL.
This week I was invited to a new guild, beginning guild full of promise and excitement. That was a week ago. LOL. Nobody has logged on in four days.
So please tell me more about this game being better with guilds and friends…
MAYBE it is you.
Stop joining tradechat, spam invite guilds. Take some time to look at good guilds on your server and attempt to join one of those.
That’s what I’ve been saying. Join a guild and do stuff with the guild. Suddenly, what’s going on in PuGs doesn’t affect you.
Making friends is healthy
Just playing WoW for gear is sad.
Gee thanks. I’m sure that I caused all those people to hate me so much they stopped playing. What great powers I have…
if the game isn’t fun enough for you without friends, then you could probably be doing some much more fun with friends instead of wow
with friends you are really just using wow as a backdrop while you hang with friends, something game devs love because you will endure vast amounts of tedium this way
nah the game should be perfectly fine for pugging and single players, it is just a shared world
Not sure if I agree with how OP put it, but WoW is almost not worth playing right now if you’re not with people you know at least somewhat. Running dungeons with the same people can make the game seem enjoyable just when you start thinking you’re done with WoW…not that it’s easy to find a group you enjoy playing with.
That said, Fae Transfusion will still be a poor resto ability even with friends, so I’m stuck here waiting for the buff that will never happen…or maybe I’ll switch covenants after finishing campaign? I probably won’t feel like doing it all over again, TBH.
Friends or no, one thing that will guarantee my complaining/quitting of the game…is developers ignoring huge balance issues that are easy to at least improve a little.
Ahh yes… play with friends, Shadowlands killed that dream for me as most couldn’t put up with how ridiculous this expansion has gotten with loot, covenant power and how unrewarding everything has been…
I did have many friends for the first week of launch, guild was booming aswell… literally a month after, guild dead, most friends moved onto other mmos with the “maybe after they fix everything well be back” saying… but you know they won’t be back…they never comeback.
The one thing Shadowlands has taught me, never ever will I ever convince my friends to buy WoW…tried that with 3 irl mates, well let’s just say shadowlands problems didn’t sit well with them.
I agree. I am not in a guild for “reasons”, but I was in one years ago, and it improved the game immensely.
Yes, it’s better when your friends play and are online.
Are you saying Blizz should give up on making it fun the rest of the time too?