BreakingGameBalance - {HORDE} - Bleeding Hollow – 7/12M Ny’alotha - is recruiting players for our Mythic progression roster. We are full of veteran raiders who are competent, competitive, and enjoy raiding while pushing each other to become better players. As of now, we are looking to complement our roster and progress through Mythic Ny’alotha while building a strong team going for CE in Shadowlands! We have a very active discord with people always available and willing to do content or help others.
Ideal Players:
- Active and competitive
- Have an understanding of Mythic raiding
- Eager to learn and continuously work to improve their play
- Understanding of logs and how to analyze their performance
- Can show up on time for raids 2 days a week
- **460+ ilvl and 80+ artifact level.
- **70%+ parses are a large plus. (Now that corruption is a thing, we understand this will vary.)
Raid Schedule:
Wednesday/Thursday 9:00 pm-12 am server (EST) with formation/trash clear 15 mins prior.
(8:00 pm-11:00 pm CST; 7:00 pm-10:00 pm MST; 6:00 pm-9:00 pm PST
*With an extra 30 minute extension possible if we are close on a progression boss.
Alt Night: Tuesday 9:00 pm-12am server (EST)
Our priority needs are:
- Mage
- Warlock
Open recruitment for any and good dps especially: - Boomkin
- Ele Shaman
*Also searching for: Other awesome, talented players.
All exceptional players who share our mindset will be considered for a spot regardless of spec or current needs. Our roster IS COMPETITIVE and we will be taking the best 20 players into Mythic.
Remember, we like to have fun and are looking for like minded players interested in raiding Mythic and progressing on bosses.
If interested, or for further information, you can post here or message:
Ethereaelle = ElvenBlossom#1880 - Recruitment
Jinxèd = Jinxed#1459 - Raid Lead
Axellia = AltarPsych#1224 - Guild Master