70 Warlock Seeking Late Night Guild (H)

I am a returning player (Will take some time to master my class again) that is seeking a friendly, casual but somewhat active guild to join. I work graveyard shift (Pacific Standard Time) from 10pm PST to 7am PST, but I have Sunday and Monday nights off. I am interested in all things WoW. Raiding, PvP’ing, leveling when Lich King is released again. I am a new streamer (Just beginning to learn how) and plan to stream everything I do on WoW. After the year or so break that I have had since I last played classic, alot has changed, so I am not comfortable trying to join any groups. I need a guild that will not make me feel stupid when joining a group and then maybe asking a noob question or two, until I get back into things. If there is a guild out there that might raid/group up at the times that I can play, I would consider joining. Main toon on Faerlina is Stonyj. Thanks.