70 Twinking in BFA season 2 - Maldictive Gladiator

Hey guys, just wanted to shed some light on people looking for alternatives to pvping outside of the snooze fest that is this current season @ 120.

I’ve always twinked and stuff like that @70,80, …etc and have enjoyed it and the pvp scene these brackets have to offer a lot. Recently I’ve started playing 70s again and I’ve had the most fun pvping at 70 now than i have pvping in all of bfa. I’d easily say that even when I was pushing my first rank 1 last season, 70s now beat that by a mile in terms of having fun. (granted I loved playing with my partners they made it 100x more enjoyable).

Last night I was queing some 3s skirms and to my surprise my partners and I qued into a real twink team. it included mepewsta, envious (r1 priest), and freebandz (who is an old really insane disc). And we had a legit series and it was SO much fun.

The pace at 70 right now almost feels like a mesh between prideful season and wod season 3. The numbers are big so landing 1 CC can be devastating.

Another good thing about 70, you can play virtually any comp and do well in 2s/3s AND almost every spec is good, including specs like;
Bm hunter
Arcane mage… and more.

For those who don’t really like to ‘grind’ gear and stuff, gearing at 70 is super easy, obviously you’d want to be best in slot which you’ll get eventually but as long as you get ran through 1 sunwell per week you’ll be full gear in no time.

To my understanding there’s community hosted tournaments for 2v2 and 3v3 with wow token rewards, and I’m sure if the bracket started picking up momentum again it’d become very competitive like it used to be in cata/mop.

Other things to do at 70:

  • Pve - people set up community raids as well, and since everything scaling wise has been implemented, completing sunwell with a team of 70 actually requires mechanics and its pretty fun to relive the old raids, especially if you didnt play then.

  • BGs - there’s always premades of 3-5 people queing this bracket, making the BG scene VERY competitive.

  • The "Skirmish Rating Ladder’ - a friendly 70 named Helium from EU has discovered a way to track skirmish rating, which is a real thing btw! You can climb up the ladders and earn custom rewards on Healiums custom website, if you’re into that stuff.

It’s a whole different aspect of the game and it’s really refreshing to play until vanilla comes out! So if you’re bored of end game with nothing to do, give it a try!

(Also to note, they made leveling EXTREMELY easy from 1-70, it took me roughly 4-5 hours of questing from 1-70 with full looms)

If you have any questions you could find me in game or add me!
My current 70: https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/character/us/tichondrius/Ðeceptions
My Btag: Ðeception#1334
My Discord: decept#8057

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I don’t know anything about twinking through the last three xpacs

but it must be 100% times better because no maledicts, no safeguard, and no demon hunters :slightly_smiling_face:

I forgot to mention, some tourneys from the community are held on PTR for EU + US integration. So not only do you get to play the best of the best in US but you get to verse the best 70s on eu such as Fx, Dreams and Gucciyo.

It’s very fun @Ezaf, give it a go if you have the time :slight_smile:

how are UHDKs at 70

They’re decent, not the best but there’s gear setups you can create to make yourself as tanky as end game unh dk. :slight_smile:

This was a really cool post. Ty

I cannot second this enough. I’ve been playing my level 70, this character I am posting as, since TBC. I never leveled past 70, thankfully. This character has been so much fun, and I can 100% agree with the PvP perspective. Season 1 of BFA I was pushing gladiator, previously having been duelist xp for multiple seasons. I quit a few weeks before season 2, and just started playing twinks again. 70 has, by far, been the best BFA experience i’ve had. I’m thrilled to see others who are also passionate about this bracket.


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70 UH isn’t ideal and to be honest even 79 isn’t terribly strong. Sure you’ll smash levelers but against other twinks it’s going to be a tough fight. Whatever you do just play with friends, twinking alone is rarely as satisfying.

My Twink:

This is the most positive thread in the entirety of these forums! May have to give the twink stuff a try.