70 boost vs normal

So buying a 70 boost from blizzard for $60… what is the difference in that and say paying gold for someone to power level you from 1 - 70? Not going to do either, just new and not understanding the end result difference.

Without knowing how much gold it costs to get boosted to 70, I suspect it works out to be cheaper than the boost. (If you used gold to buy WoW Tokens for the boost, you’d need 5 to account for tax. That would be 1.25 million gold at current prices.) The $60 boost would have the advantage of getting decent starting gear for 70, which will make jumping into level 70 content much easier. It’s also going to be faster, and no risk of getting scammed by an unscrupulous player.

That having been said, regular leveling in WoW is pretty fast, so most of the time it doesn’t make a lot of sense to boost. You get the free one with the expansion — but there’s no reason to use it right away as they don’t expire. (The vast majority of $60 boosted characters you see are actually from the freebies.)

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The paid boost from the store…

  • Buffs your renowned with the DF factions to a certain level
  • Gives you decent gear (not great, but better than running around in level 10 gear)
  • Is simple to obtain
  • Is instantaneous
  • Expensive!

Paying a player to powerlevel you…

  • Does not give you any gear
  • Does not boost your DF faction Renown
  • Takes time - can take less than an hour or could take a few hours depending on how many levels are needed
  • Run the risk of getting scammed
  • Cheap! (Many are offering 1-70 for less than the cost of 1 WoW token gold-wise)

I guess it all depends on which you value more. You definitely get more benefit out of the shop boost but if you’re just looking to level up alts and don’t care about the perks, and you don’t mind AFKing/idling while the powerleveler does their thing, the latter is much cheaper gold-wise.

There is no good reason to do ether! According to /played, I have wasted over 6,000 hour on this game. That’s long enough to get a PHD in any subject at any university. Granted, I’ve been gone a long time but I have no idea how to play this game now. I defy, anyone to explain how the current gear progression system works now in less than 40 pages of text. How many levels of dungeons, raids, and outdoor crap award, how many currencies to what vendors, where? As a rogue, you need at least 2 add-ons to be even remotely competitive, still, your dps is gonna suck. There is so much going on that unless you have a 32 inch screen, you will be standing in fire. WOW is never gonna be an Esport. I don’t know why bliz keeps tuning the game for the top 0.01 percent. I t doesn’t matter if you start at level one or 70, if you have a job, or kids or a life, you will never enjoy endgame… Just level up and enjoy the wonderful world, bliz has created over the last 20 years.

Except for mop…mop sucks… I still maintain it’s kung fo panda online…

this is why we have wowhead