7 of the servers offline?

I just came back to play a bit of classic, and noticed that Mankrik server is offline, even though all the other servers seem to be fine. Is there a ETA for this?

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Haven’t heard. The other servers came bac online at 9:25 am central time.

Windseeker is down too, shows all up but one other server.

Edit - 6 others

That sucks. :frowning:

Yeah, I’m seeing the same thing. Frustating!

Yeah and I can’t find any information about why it’s happening. Thought I was going crazy

Pagle is down too

Pagle down forever :frowning:

Pagle, Windseeker, Westfall, Ashkhandi, and Mankrik comprise the same cluster.

This entire cluster is offline.

Pushing 2 hours since they all went down, yet no word on anything. Lovely customer service.

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Our cluster is so awesome it takes extra time to boot back up to restore all the greatness.


It is, to my knowledge, the largest/most active PvE cluster.

I have no speculation for why it’s the only cluster offline. We can just hope they get new hamsters in those wheels quickly.

My guess, someone forgot to flip the switch…and thought they did so we are just SoL for now… which sucks.

I had my suspicions, thanks for the confirmation!


I had no suspicions but thanks for the confirmation

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You both are welcome!

i guess i go touch grass…

Pretty sure our server is still down because the scarab lord was up in Silithus, this was likely a mistake by blizz that they are trying to fix now

There was a similar issue with the oce servers last week. Those were offline for serveral hours.

Here’s hoping it’s up soon!

If that is the issue, would be nice to get some sort of notification from blizzard about it.