7 Hours to finish the dailies!

Woof Rasty. Took me about an hour.

If you spent half as much time progressing your character as you did arguing that things arent handed to you in a quick enough manner you’d be able to down M Queen Azshara the week it dropped


Oh this is going to be fun. I need you to know I am putting off Spider-Verses on Netflix to answer this. So, without further ado, here goes.

Then you are doing it wrong. Take the time to familiarize yourself with they layout of the place. This will stop you from running aimlessly only to discover the quest you want is a level above you, not where you are.

To be clear, and I am only going to say this once in reference to you saying this, they did not make these changes because you suggested them. A lot of poeple made suggestions. Things like 5 in a row for the rune box was annoying and time consuming, not hard. The change to X number of colors is much more user friendly in a get in, do it, get out kind of way. As to the rare mob quest, that was a quest for TODAY. 5 elite naga. If I consistently see this, as opposed to 10, 15, or I think one time 25, I will acknowledge it.

Once again, familiarize yourself with the place.

No it is not, and no it does not need an additional nerf.

Go to a different area? I had it almost completely done while doing seaweed and the other one up there. Went down to the palace gates to finish while I was in the area.

It should be dangerous. Go aggro an Alliance guard and tell me how far it chases you. The tethering is fine. I have no issues dropping aggro within a reasonable distance, excluding my example.

How can there be a Rustbolt emmissary if there are no Rustbolt World Quests? Also, if your rep is that low, you are doing it EXTREMELY wrong. I recommend looking at some rep guides and Rustbolt. You are at 2800 into honored. I gained about 2100 Rustbolt this afternoon. The onus is on you to figure out how.

While I would like more rep, namely I think the follower quests should give rep as well, it is what it is. If it took you that long to figure something out, you did not utilize any tools at your disposal. I grabbed one, did not get credit and found a video. Took me 15 seconds to google and watch. EZPZ.

The mobs are tuned for the current tier, just as Argus was. I am 415 and the mobs hit me hard too. Give it a month, and some more gear, and you will notice it is much much easier, just as Argus was.

Once again, that 7 hours is on you my friend. There are ways around that. Utilize them.


You are not alone you get more Rustbolt rep from what I have seen. Even taking into account the 3k you get in the other zone from pet battles.

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My Rustbolt is also ahead by around 2000… There needs to be more ways to get rep with Nazjatar faction… It’s lagging behind…

But I do agree that daily tasks in new zones take too much of time. Ofc it’s not 7 hours for me, but still a lot more than I willing to spend on them…

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Rampage tank! Rampage tank?
Healers start dropping like flies

Behind any good tank is a group of healers yelling “wtf!” At their monitors.

Went dps in WoW and never looked back. Heh.

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Yeah, I was about 20 minutes into Rustbolt dalies when I just closed the game. The time sink is absolutely rediculous. I get that Blizz wants to show players actively investing time in the game but this is so paper thin.

One daily is “scan creatures” - its a 3 second cast for 5%.

One daily is “revive bots” when you can revive no more than 3 at a time, on a 30 second cooldown, then bring them to an NPC.

The “Make a weapon” takes 7 ‘contributions’ over the Nightborne wine’s 5.

Its subtle but at the same time so blatantly obvious. That and rep rewards at 75 per? I shouldn’t be 2 days into dailies on a patch and already feel miserable wanting to play other games.

At this rate, the hell with flying. This simply isn’t fun.

Keep your tedium my dudes. I got better stuff to do.


I was expecting some bragging about how much people whine but these are all very valid things I’d support even after I get my flying unlocked. I’d also add pick ups such as sea shells, seaweed and such should all be shared items. Ticks me off when I fight my way to one of those only for someone of my own faction to yoink it from beneath me.


Not alone. My Rustbolt rep jumped ahead of Nazjatar the second day by a decent chunk, but they stayed pretty even for the rest of the time. The initial opening quest chain for Nazjatar just gives it a starting boost. The additional campaign quests I did last night actually pushed it ahead of my Rustbolt rep again.

  • Rastlin <3

If a boss doesn’t randomly death touch raiders or randomly summon them into melee to be cleaved, it isn’t really a boss.


Before I got my pathfinder done, I was like 2k ahead. But after finishing the quest to get 3k exp across your followers, the quest line after, I caught up and had pathfinder done.

…I’m more like

What content? I’m still looking for content from Legion

Fortunately for Blizz, most people aren’t as bad at the game as the OP.


Sounds like me and every island/patch content ever.

That is how it is for me too. The Rustbolt quests I actually find fun, but Naj is pretty tedious


I was ahead briefly, but now I’m 5850 Revered with Nazjatar and 2775 Revered with Rustbolt.

Leveling up the bodyguards with those bonus xp items really helps with Nazjatar rep.

The real question I have is… will I want to keep questing once I’ve earned my flying or will I skip those zones baring an emissary daily. As it stands I believe I’ll pop to Mecha for 2 rares but once those are done so am I.


Rustbolt rep gains are fine. Im already revered with rustbolt but still 2-3k away in nazj

Just use a parachute it is almost fail proof. I was rather disappointed though I couldn’t just fly to rescue the guy, I mean it took me a year to earn the right to do things like that, I should be able to use it.

I don’t think I ever spent 6 hours doing those dailies but you are correct they did take a huge amount of time each day. I am glad I am retired and didn’t have to work all day because I probably would have unsubbed over the amount of time it took.

After doing the all quests (including the war campaign) yesterday I was short exactly 50 rep for both Nazjatar and Rustbolt. It was very surprising it worked out like that but I was lucky I had enough follower xp to trigger the next stage of the war campaign.

Without that war campaign though I would have been much ahead on Rustbolt.