Hey there! If you were open to weekend raiding maybe we could work out for you! Check out the website and see the long history! If you like what you see feel free to drop an app or reach out o us! Thanks for your time–Ratt
Raid times: 3:00PM to 7:00PM EST on Saturday and Sunday afternoons.
Current Progression: 9/9M BoD, 7/8M TEP
Current recruitment needs are the following:
Healer positions opened for any of the following:
- Holy Paladin
- Restoration Shaman
- Disc Priest
Ranged DPS positions opened for any of the following:
- Mage
- Hunter
- Shadow Priest
Melee positions opened for any of the following:
- Frost DK
- Rogue
- Retribution Paladin
VANQUISH is an ancient guild with a long raiding history which can be found on our website @ www.vqguild. net by clicking the “History” tab in the top right!
We are currently the #1 2-day a week raiding guild on Sargeras, and one of the top weekend raiding guilds that World of Warcraft has to offer! Our raids begin at 3:00PM EST (invites at 2:30) and end at 7:00PM EST on Saturdays and Sundays each week. Because of our limited raid schedule, we are only interested in recruiting players who excel at understanding boss mechanics, are able to perform efficiently in a raid setting, and whom are able to avoid lethal raid mechanics while playing their character well. New recruits are also expected to have near 100% raid attendance during their trial period.
Each week raiding members are expected to prepare for the upcoming weekend raid by making sure they have enough consumables (food, flasks, and potions) for the 8 hour raid week. Researching and understanding upcoming fights, or current progression encounters, is also expected to take place prior to raid days.
Our guild community and general raid atmosphere is something very valuable to us. If you’re a consistently negative person, or someone with a generally bad attitude, this guild will not be a good fit for you. We do take our raiding time seriously though, and having “thin skin” will not serve you well.
Overall, VANQUISH is a performance-based guild. We expect people to play well and maintain respectable logs of encounters each week. Failure to do so will eventually get new recruits demoted to a non-raiding rank in our guild.
New recruits who are unable to maintain their raid attendance will not pass the trial period. If you have computer issues, internet issues, or outside commitments that would prevent you from making our raid times, this guild will not be a good fit for you.
If you have any specific questions or concerns about the application process, contact our GM @ Onslaught#1285 or Hut#1499 on BNet, or Onslaught#7682 or Ratt#7057 on Discord