7/8M exp H DH LF Daytime raiding guild

-380 7/8M exp (6/8 kills, G’huun experience, not in for Mythrax kills)
-LF 6/8M at least
-Willing to play alt/OS. Fight specific if ranged/different role tho. Main melee.

Advanced Strats
Horde ~ Mal’Ganis

6/8 Mythic Uldir ~ 8/8 Heroic Uldir ~ 10/11Mythic Antorus

Raid Times:
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
10:00am to 1:00pm CST (server time)

Current Recruitment Needs (Updated 11/16/18):

Death Knight: Open
Demon Hunter: Open
Druid: Guardian, Balance, Feral
Hunter: Open
Mage: Open
Monk: Brewmaster, Windwalker
Paladin: Protection, Retribution
Priest: Shadow
Rogue: Open
Shaman: Elemental, Enhancement
Warlock: Closed
Warrior: Open

All exceptional players may apply! MUST have logs to apply!

Advanced Strats is a semi-hardcore team with a unique time slot. Our goal is to continue pushing Mythic content in an attempt to secure Cutting Edge achievements. We are a tight knit group with a focus on team progression.

Check out our Discord to Apply! Message Izzy for details!

Lead: Rawtha (listen#1368)
Izzybellez (bnet: izy#1699 & discord: Izzy#5574) - recruitment
Leptikz (Lepik#1896)
Druskrogg (TehSpelinPro#1297)