7/8m, 386mage & 387mw lfg


Quite simply we are looking for a mythic raiding guild, Horde preferred. Looking to finish out this raid tier and prepare for the next to push CE.

HoA: Mage 36 , MW 36
ilv: Mage 386, MW 387
exp: 7/8M
alts: Demon hunter and Resto shaman

Raid times
3 day/2 day Mon-Thurs
Any time between 7PM-12AM PST

We have excellent attendance, good computers, good internet, and we are always striving to improve by viewing logs and reading our class discords.

Logs: Mw - www .warcraftlogs.com/character/us/kiljaeden/bootywerx#partition=1

Mage - www .warcraftlogs.com/character/us/kiljaeden/crowbarjanee#partition=1&difficulty=4

Battle tag - Missbehavin#1157, Nick#13541