Like i stated, I’m currently 7/8M looking for a guild that is progging on Ghuun and needs a MW to push CE and for BoD tier.
My availability is open and I’m looking to stay on horde.
I run m+ all day everyday when I’m not raiding and have nearly pushed 2.1k io, so looking for a guild that has people who enjoy m+ as well as a consistent and steady roster.
If you want more info reach out to me.
BNET: Jaydee#1574
Discord: JayDee#2244
Currently Seeking Immediate Healer~
[7/8M] -Thirteen Thirty Seven of Mal’Ganis [H]- Is Currently recruiting for Tides Of Vengeance. We’re looking to fill out our roster and finish CE before the next raid drops and we make our push to finish in the top 100 US in the Battle for Dazar’Alor.
Raid Times:
Tuesday - 8:30PM-12:00AM EST [5:30-9PST]
Wednesday - 8:30PM-12:00AM EST [530-9PST]
2 days a week. 7 hours a week. That’s it. All progression and farm we do will be done within the raid schedule. With the next tier coming, another hour MAY or MAY NOT be added to raid for pushing top end kills.
Any other organized activities will be 100% optional.
Currently 7/8 Mythic we are looking for raiders to complete Cutting Edge with and siege into the Battle of Dazar’Alor with. Expectations for the next tier are VERY high and what we accomplish at the end of this tier will determine our attitude headed into the next.
We raid Tuesday and Wednesday from 5:30-9 PST, meaning 8:30-12 EST, and 7:30-11 Server Time.
The culture we have created inside our raid is something that is going to propel us into success in the next tier. Our goals are aimed very high, and with the players we have AND YOU, they are reachable. We look forward to chatting with you on Battlenet or Discord, and the sooner you contact us, the sooner we can get you in and kill the Slug.
Get in touch
GM: Kameron#1822
Officer: Pachyderm#1286
Bump ill be available all night and tomorrow for interviews
Add me ^ lets set something up 
Bet ill get in contact, still looking around tho!
If weekends work for you, check us out 
Vice | Horde-Cho’gall
8/8M US 324
Fri/Sat 6-9pm PST
Gub#1148, Breathe#1185
Bump making a decision tomorrow
hey take a look at our ad: <H><BibleBlack> CE Battle for Dazar'alor i think we’d be a good fit
US - Arthas Horde
List of what we are looking for is in wowprogress:
demon hunter (dd) |
high |
hunter |
medium |
monk (healer) |
high ! |
shaman (elemental) |
medium |
shaman (enhancement) |
medium |
warlock |
high |
warrior |
high |
Raid Schedule:
Tue 9 - 12 Server EST
Thu 9 - 12 Server EST
Mo 9 - 12 Server EST
SECURITY is a very social Guild with emphasis on Mythic Progression. After a multi expansion break we re-started as a very casual 1 raid night a week Guild at the start of Legion and we slowly progressed into a very capable Mythic Guild.
We are currently in the process of revamping the Guild and have already picked up a lot of very talented players that were either part of a Top 100 Guild or were very successful raiders in general.
I will not bore you guys with a long wall of text explaining all the intricate things that make our Guild any more special than others out there. I can however promise you this. Full dedication from your Raid Leaders and Officers to assure that the Guild will continuously improve.
We have had times where everything seemed doom and gloom but we persisted and continued to improve. Most Guilds would either break apart or have players get at each others throats near the end of an expansion, especially after a long drawn out progression period, but we persisted and always tried our very best. A lot of our members knows each other from real life or chat and “shoot the !@#$” outside of Raid days via other forms of communication other than in-Game. I believe that this builds a stronger Core of players… a Team.
Our current roster for BfA is looking exceptionally strong and we are very hopeful that we will rise up the ranks in this Game!
You can DM me here or send in Game mail to
Bnet: Shaker#1787
Disc: Shaker#6358
or any other Officer you see online in Game.
Please whisper your name and server and ideally your most recent WCL as well as a short and sweet message about who you are and how much Raiding experience you have. Also please mention if you have any geared alts.