All altars except Void Altar on 6th Orb Ratt’s Revenge quest are showing that they worked, except Void Altar. I have Lesser Voidcaller pet.
/run for i,a in ipairs({“Sin”,“Corrupt”,“Lust”,“Blood”,“Void”,“Chest”})do print(a,C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84805+i))end
I used the macro above to see the progress of altars, and despite all altars (not void) working, the macro tells “false” to all.
Any way to solve this?
Did you get the in game messages where the spirits emoted that they were pleased or whatever?
No, i did not.
And the magnifying glass only appears in the other altars, not in the void altar.
If all of the correct items and appearances are used, you’ll see text saying that the spirit is satisfied or something along those lines. This is a screenshot of what the spirits should emote when an alter is fulfilled.
I’m assuming you’ve got all of the items needed, your torch out, and double checked everything?
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I know this, and I have all the right itens to do the mission, the pet Lesser Voidcaller should work on Void Altar, but it is not working. I tried other Void-named pets, none worked.
And despite the magnifying glass icon appearing in other altars, the macro “/run for i,a in ipairs({“Sin”,“Corrupt”,“Lust”,“Blood”,“Void”,“Chest”})do print(a,C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(84805+i))end” still indicates false to all altars, even the ones that game shows that triggered correctly.
Just to check, for the void altar, do you also have the void totem/shadowy disguise and the cloak of the void appearance? You need all of those things, not just one. You must have the cloak appearance active as well as one of the toys active in addition to having the pet out.
You’ve said that all of the altars indicate false, so I assume that you are missing an item or step for each altar, otherwise you would see that emote.
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and you don’t need everything just someone that has the item you need
True, only one person needs to have each item as long as all of the items are present. I just had to do this step solo and I assumed they are doing it solo as well.
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I will print every step so that will be clear I am doing right, and I have one right item for every altar. None are changing the “false” on macro, and all except void altar shows the magnifying glass that indicates it worked.
Blood Altar - I used Corrupted Blood pet
Corrupt Altar - I used Corrupted Blood pet
Lust Altar - I used Sister of Temptation pet
Sin Altar - I used Bondable Sinstone toy
Void Altar - I used Lesser Voidcaller pet
its not just 1 item, its a 3 items. for voild you need:
1 - a pet with “void” in its name
2- the void totem, shadowy disguise or slys music box toy
3- transmog your cape into the “drape of darkrider”
concon had a good walk thought for you.
voild shadow alter starts at 3:32
Ah, so that must be the problem for other altars, I’ll try to follow this exact guide… Will be a little harder that I thought…
Yeah, it definitely takes more effort if you are soloing, but there may be some groups of people working on it together.
on the day it was easier, being others were doing it. i remember the void one taking forever due to me being a few late due to time zones
there might be some groups still doing it, would have to look in the custom group tab
The WoWhead guide is worded in a way that makes it sound like you only need one of the items, but you need all of them. That is, one pet, one mount, one toy, and/or one transmog. If you’ve got your goggles on, you should see glowy orbs around the altar that disappear as you summon/put on the appropriate items.
and when you finish a alter the shadow ghost thing disappears, so thats a good way to see if you have finished an alter or not
(or just use the marco)
UPDATE: I got the Blood, Corrupt and Lust Altar done for sure, now there is no spirit on those.
But I dont have the Sin Altar Itens, only the Void Altar itens and they are not counting to progress. Do I have to do Sin Altar first?
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You can do the altars in any order, you just need to make sure you have each type of item in the requirement. For the void one, I changed my cloak appearance, summoned the pet, and then used the void totem (although you can use the other toy if you have it). I did the toy last because that one has a duration unlike the other two items
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I manage to do all altars except sin because i dont have the pet and xmog, because SL quests are bugged, I cant farm those until they fix the story quest.