6/9M Top 150u.s. experienced Raider lf 3+ day CE guild

My title explains is brief but I am looking for a guild that is CE oriented that raids more then 3 days a week for prog. I am a top 150 U.S. ex raid leader and looking to get back to my competitive nature and hopefully push HOF with a team of like minded competitive people. I am very determined to get back to a top level environment and willing to work my way up from the bench if need be.

Current Prog - 6/9M Smoldy 52%
Logs: Ready and Available to send.
Past experience - Top 150 u.s. prog in pandaria.
What I main - Multiclass Player. Willing to play what I am told to for the tier.
Alts - I play every class. Have logs for multiple characters ready to send.
Am I willing to heal: Yes but prefer not to.
Am I willing to tank: Yes but prefer not to.
Availability - Open
What I am looking for - CE Progression. 3+ raid days a week. (Hall of Fame is a goal)
Reason for leaving previous guild: Looking to raid more days a week and be more competitive in prog.

Contact Info:
Disc - therealwiztek
Bnet - ClutchyBird#1772