The guild I was in had decent progress up until the holidays, then had attendance issues and eventually died and I took a break from the game. I’m looking to jump back in to raiding, I cannot raid Thurs/Fri but can any other night 8-12pm est. I’m a quick learner and don’t mess up mechanics once they’re learned. I also like to run M+ but haven’t had a team this xpac.
I also have an Enh shaman at 621ilvl if need be, just haven’t played him much of course but mained him for years prior to Shadowlands.
Hello, I am an officer with Eat My Parse, a Mythic raiding guild. We are currently 4/8 and are looking to grow our raiding roster for season 2. We raid 9pm to midnight Thursday and Friday. If you are interested we can chat further. I’ll reach out on battlenet but feel free to reach out on discord at Divacupp.
Hey there, I’m a recruiter for War Crimes on Illidan. We are 6/8M NP this season and looking for a couple of melee dps to round out our group.
We raid Tue and Sun from 8-11PM EST.
If that is something that interests you hit me up on disc-totemics