626 Aug/Dev Evoker 4/8M LF CE Push/ Home Guild

Howdy All Jarchomp Here,

I am a 626 Aug evoker that is currently 4/8M and i am looking for a guild to push for CE or make a good attempted at it each tier. I love to do M+ and achievements and have fun joking with good people. I have played since the games launch and am looking for a place to settle down and raid in going forward. My availability is Mon to Thurs 6pm to 11pm PST time.

Please feel free to reach out jarondis on Disc or Jarondis#1961 on Bnet. I would love to chat and have a conversation with those interested. Thank you and have a good day.

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If you are still looking would love for you to check us out, all our information is in this post