6217 Assassination Rogue LF Semi-Hardcore / Hardcore Guild

Faction]: Horde
[Server] Faerlina
[Character]: Doublethreat/Doubledose
[Class or Spec]: Assassination Rogue
[Gear]: 6217gs Doublethreat / 5980gs Doubledose
[Professions]: Engineering / Jewelcrafting on both
[Availability]: Open
[Guild Type]: Semi-Hardcore/Hardcore
[Experience]: I’ve cleared all content from Wrath to Mists of Pandria during retail and have done all of Classic WoTLK except HM RS.
[Looking for]: A competitive & friendly raid environment.
[Contact]: Discord - doublethreat#1394 / mail or pm me in-game on either character

On a side note, I just came back after 5 months so my logs from ToGC (best parsed 99.7%) or Ulduar (best parsed 98.7%) are more relevant for performance. The closest I’ve been to full BiS was during ToGC where I was missing 4-5 items.

Hey how goes it, I’m putting together a tight knit 10 man team for cata progression.

If that’s something that interests you, feel free to hit me up.

We are focusing on progression but also community and enjoying our time raiding together. The goal is clear all heroic content.
