620 Hpriest Looking for N/H Guild

Hi there. Will keep it simple.

620 Holy priest. (dont really play disc but some shadow) looking for a raiding guild (Heroic and AoTC).

Ideally just looking for a friendly bunch that raids thru heroic and does some M+ and PvP. Nothing hardcore; just get M+ mount and some fun bgs. No sweats.

What im not looking for is a bunch of wanna be world first folks checking their logs and parses every night worrying about the wow analyzer…Sorry. Dont mean to offend but really dont not mean to either. If thats your thing cool, move on to Mythic and do that with like minded folks. Its not required for heroic clears lol.

Times and such im pretty open so shoot a reply on here if interested. Thanks.

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Hello! I am looking for a healer for my relaxed raiding guild, we run tues/sun staring at 8:30est. Currently doing heroic progression (we started the season late). We also reclear normal on Thurs same time. Our guild is a lot of new/returned players, myself and my officers focus a lot on developing those who need help and growing together as a team.

We are not looking to go any further than AoTC each tier, just a friendly group of mixed experience looking to get AoTC together and relclear to keep gearing for the next season.

Lol we do look at parses but as a learning tool to help us get better not to compete with the 1% :laughing:

We also do a lot of mythic+ at different skill levels.

If you’d like to help a group of nice people an achieve our goals hit me up! We are in definite need of a priest healer :slight_smile:

Btag is Solara#1659 if ur interested!
Guild is Passive Aggressive on US Gorefiend

hello not sure if we are a fit but if you think we could be let me know . we are currently 8/8 normal and 5/8 heroic i think we could get 8/8 heroic with some more solid players added to our raid group. the raid times are friday 8:30pm EST and sunday 6:00pm EST. we also have groups and players who run M+ and some even already have the mount from getting the 2k rating. guild is Watcher of the Nexus on deathwing server and no you dont have to transfer over we invite all alliance and horde any server.

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Hey there! My guild, Disorientated on Stormrage, could be a great fit for you. We’re AOTC focused, 7/8H currently with good prog on Ansurek, raiding Tues/Thurs 8-11PM EST. We usually have a group or two running keys on non-raid nights, or coordinating one for another night on our very active Discord server.

Add me on bnet if you want to talk more - toasted21#1832

Hi there. Is there a way to reach out and have a chat? Tx.


Hi there!

[US] Wipe Insurance – A Small, Active, Adult-Friendly WoW Guild!

Looking for a laid-back guild? Wipe Insurance is a tight-knit, small community of players who value fun, steady progression, and meaningful connections. We plan to keep our guild small to maintain that personal touch—everyone knows each other, and no one gets lost in the crowd.

Whether you’re here for raids, Mythic+, or just good company, we’d love to have you join us!

Who We Are

We’re a group of returning players balancing real-life commitments with our love for WoW. Most of us are in Central/Eastern time zones and active during evenings, but our Discord stays lively throughout the day, making it easy to connect and plan runs at any time.

Current Progression

  • 8/8N with some Heroic kills completed.
  • Working towards steady heroic progression with a goal of AOTC.

What We Offer

  • Small Guild Vibes: A close, welcoming group where every member matters.
  • Chill Progression: Conquer content at our own pace—no stress, no drama.
  • Real-Life First: We understand life comes first and support flexible schedules.
  • Active Discord: Connect with guildmates any time for Mythic+, raids, or just casual chatting.
  • Weekly Mythic+, achievements, mount farming, and more.

Who We’re Looking For

We welcome all players, but our raid team is currently seeking:

  • Shaman, Paladin, or Evoker (flexible DPS/Healing specs).
  • Warlock.
  • Non-Warrior Tanks with a reliable DPS/Heal off-spec.


  • Raid Nights: Fridays & Saturdays, 9–11 PM Eastern.
  • Other Content: Mythic+ runs, casual achievements, and group events happen all week.

How to Join

Interested? Reach out to us!

  • Discord: dlchamp | Battle.net: Braga#11240
  • Discord: gerblinista
  • Or apply via in-game Guild Finder

We are a laid back social and casual community for adults who play when they can. We enjoy playing all aspects of the game and are here to help others on their journey in and out of Azeroth. We group up for leveling/ timewalking /heroic/mythic dungeons or old content farming for achievements/ transmogs /mounts/pets. While others enjoy solo play while just chatting. We are looking to bolster our ranks for Normal/Heroic/timewalking raids with goals of AOTC and Glory of Achievements every tier.

Raid days/times:
Team Rockets is 7/8 Heroic
Heroic: Thursdays/Fridays 7:30pm - 10pm EST
Team Rocket is looking for
melee dps with tank off-spec
ranged dps of any type,
shadow priest, mage &
1 healer

If you have any questions, please let me know!,

We’re listed in the guild and community finder in game or you can reach me, in game or on discord: Sugarcone
in game: Sugarcone-Zul’jin