619 really is a hard wall

I kind of shrugged off the people complaining about the inability to upgrade the hero gear you get and that 619 is essentially end game right now if you don’t Mythic raid or do higher keys. This was before I realized they cap runed crests so you can’t earn enough to trade for gilded in any reasonable amount (cap goes up by 90 each week, but it takes 90 runed to get 15 gilded. So each week you can raise 1 item of gear 3 or 4 ilvl, meaning you go from 619 to 619.2 in a week’s worth of play. At this rate, to fill out your hero gear will not happen before the season ends.

So sorry for arguing against those who had posted about this wall, it does exist and the game is over once you hit it.

Classic fresh soon?


Nah the wall is at 639, the max ilvl.

You have to do mythic + 8 and up, last 2 bosses of heroic raid, or mythic raid to increase past 619.


If you’re not going to do Mythic+ or Mythic Raiding, this “wall” shouldn’t be that big of a deal…


Do 8s, get mythic crests, get past 619 with mythic crafted gear.


As someone at that wall, it’s okay to need to do higher content to get better gear. I’ll start doing 8s soon enough and then my gear progress will continue.

You don’t need 620+ to do open world content and t11 delves.


it is, but what do you need higher than that if you don’t do more than that type of content? FYI, i’m in the same boat, i hardly do m+ and im fine with being at that number, and anything i do @ this ilvl falls over in a few hits anyway



If you stop progressing in content, you eventually stop progressing in gear.


Right, so if you don’t do M+ past 7 or mythic raiding, the game is over at 619.


If you willingly choose to stop playing the game, then yes. The game is over.


This is why Delves need infinite scaling with higher rewards.


No it isn’t. Because it would have the same issue.

If you choose not to do higher delves, the game is effectively over in gearing.

I get it would make it exponentially easier, and thats is most likely the root of the problem. But the stated issue would remain.

Game isn’t over, go find other content to do with your ilvl, including old stuff. If gear progression is your main focus in this game, you need to do the content that focuses on that.


I don’t think hard wall means what you think it means


Not really.

They just need to make the gap between Hero gear and Myth gear not so massive as far as difficulty requirements.


IMO they should remove crest cap in the mid season. I will do 8+ but if someone wants to spam a +4 like 36 times to craft a mythic level item I don’t mind.


removing the crest cap once you hit 619 would satisfy me. I am at 719/720 runed right now and the desire to run anything else this week is low, knowing I can only get 1 crest at best.

Well you can spam bountiful delves for runed crest. The real wall is 626. Trying to get on mythic track gear.

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Ronregen (the Rdruid): ”Mr. Hazzikostas, tear down this wall!”

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Trading 90 runes for 15 is just a form of trickle down crest economics


you mean spam bountiful for the chance at a map and 3 gilded? I do run those 4 each day but not always get a map.