617 Brew monk looking to switch to healing

Hi all, Since no one really needs tanks right now for raids, I am looking to learn how to heal and dps on my characters. Any interest? It might take me a bit to get used to the changes.

Anyone interested in a new MW who is looking to learn how to heal in M+ and raids?

I can raid most night from 8-11 EST. 2 times a week.

Greetings! Consider joining us in The Walls!

We are a semi-casual AotC/KSM-focused group with emphasis on playing what you enjoy and killing bosses without the drama and elitism of hardcore.

Raid times Wed/Thurs 8-11pm EST, with KSM groups running at various times on off-nights.

Contact me on discord (username shatu) for more info! :]

The Walls recruitment post

Big Facts is Recruiting!
Are you looking for a chill, non-toxic guild that’s all about steady progression without the pressure of meta-chasing or elitist attitudes? Look no further!

What We’re About:
:star2: Raid Progression at a Normal Pace – No sweaty tryhards, just good vibes and steady teamwork.
:video_game: Raid Schedule: Fridays and Saturdays at 6-9 PM PST.
:medal_sports: Mythic+ Enthusiasts – We’re always running keys and we are working to push our key’s to even higher levels.
:muscle: Mythic Experience – Some of us have been around the block and are happy to share tips and tricks.
:handshake: Welcoming to New and Returning Players – Whether you’re just getting back into the swing of things or starting fresh, we’ve got your back.

Who We’re Looking For:
We’re a very new guild building a strong, supportive community. All roles and experience levels are welcome! If you’re ready to dive into Season 2 of War Within with a team that prioritizes fun and steady growth, join us today!

What are our Goals:
Our Goal is to help others get Keystone master every season and push our io as high as we can maybe even go for the keystone title.
We also want to get Aotc and after we achieve Aotc we would like to step into some Mythic raiding and try our shot a CE clear.

What can we offer?
We can offer you a welcoming atmosphere, whether if you consider yourself a simi-hardcore player or even a casual player.
People with a positive attitude and who are willing to help out if you have questions.
A chill environment where you can come home and just chill and relax while you enjoy the game.

Let’s make some Big Facts together! win!!!

Reach out for more info or an invite!
Discord Seregriz#6424 or Offseeker#8065

Afternoon all! I ran an instance last night testing healing. Felt ok…looking to start running mythics soon


We are Reality, currently 8/8 Herioc in Nerub-Ar Palace. As we move towards season 2, we’re looking to expand our ranks with skilled and dedicated players who are ready to take on the challenges ahead!

What We Offer:

A friendly and supportive community

Regular raid nights with a focus on progression

Deep Discussions about warhammer and painting

A chance to grow and improve together

What We’re Looking For:

Players with a solid understanding of their class and role

Availability during our raid times TUE/SAT 9:30pm-12:30pm EST

A positive attitude and a willingness to learn

We’re happy to consider exceptional players of all backgrounds!

Current Needs:

Healer: Hpal, Mistweaver Monk, Preservation Evoker

DPS: Warlock (Any), Shaman (Ele), and Evoker (Any), Rogue (Any), Hunter(BM/MM), Druid(Balance) (but always looking for exceptional players)

Tanks: FULL

If you do not see your class on here does not mean we wont look at any applicant we always are looking for exceptional players

If you’re ready to embark on this adventure with us, and talk about warhammer and various other games.

Please reach out to us!!!

Recruiting Officer- Bnet: Warlordice#1958 or Discord howze785.

See you in the raid!


Big Facts is Recruiting!
Are you looking for a chill, non-toxic guild that’s all about steady progression without the pressure of meta-chasing or elitist attitudes? Look no further!

What We’re About:
:star2: Raid Progression at a Normal Pace – No sweaty tryhards, just good vibes and steady teamwork.
:video_game: Raid Schedule: Fridays and Saturdays at 6-9 PM PST.
:medal_sports: Mythic+ Enthusiasts – We’re always running keys and we are working to push our key’s to even higher levels.
:muscle: Mythic Experience – Some of us have been around the block and are happy to share tips and tricks.
:handshake: Welcoming to New and Returning Players – Whether you’re just getting back into the swing of things or starting fresh, we’ve got your back.

Who We’re Looking For:
We’re a very new guild building a strong, supportive community. All roles and experience levels are welcome! If you’re ready to dive into Season 2 of War Within with a team that prioritizes fun and steady growth, join us today!

What are our Goals:
Our Goal is to help others get Keystone master every season and push our io as high as we can maybe even go for the keystone title.
We also want to get Aotc and after we achieve Aotc we would like to step into some Mythic raiding and try our shot a CE clear.

What can we offer?
We can offer you a welcoming atmosphere, whether if you consider yourself a simi-hardcore player or even a casual player.
People with a positive attitude and who are willing to help out if you have questions.
A chill environment where you can come home and just chill and relax while you enjoy the game.

Let’s make some Big Facts together! win!

Reach out for more info or an invite!
Discord Seregriz#6424 or Offseeker#8065

Lawn Pirates 8/8 H NP 1/8M has two raid teams morning team 8am-10 am pst and evening Saturday 9 pm est- 11pm est we could use you mythic plus ran daily. Add herwordskill#1655 if interested

Late Night Pain Train

Current Progression:
4/8 Mythic Nerub-ar Palace

Raid days and time:
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 10pm to 12am EST.

What we are looking for?
Raiders that know their class, understand that standing in (Fire, acid, voids, spikes, DEATH HOLEs, ect…) is not conducive to staying alive. Folks that have a good attitude and a drive to progress!

We have been around since The Burning Crusade in 2007, Many Dragons have been punched and many long lasting friends have been made.
We have had the same raid schedule from the start, we value and respect our raiders time. So we only raid 2 hours a night, and expect our team to be logged in consumes in hand and ready to pull on time.
We have a lot fun with each other while keeping it above bar when it comes to discrimination. This guild has become more than just a group of friends playing a game and more of a family. Do we rib each other? Of course!
That being said we have minimal drama and this Train keeps on moving down the track.

We always accept outstanding players who fit the guild.

How to Join:

Whisper any of our officers in-game or slide into our DMs.

Battle tag:
Jabini#1699 (GM)

Discord name:

Hi there! We are looking to add more players to our AOTC progression team.I’m going to attach our guild page for you to skim through to see if we could possibly be a good fit for you! We raid Fri and sat from 9:30 pm to 12:30 EST. I’d be happy to sit down and chat with you to answer any questions you may have. I look forward to speaking with you soon

add me Thebanger#11932

Hello, my guild Bad Karma is recruiting healers! If you’re looking for help learning how to heal in a raid setting we are also willing and able to help you get adjusted! We raid Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 8 to 11 PM EST and are currently 8/8 H on Nerub-ar Palace, looking to raid at an AOTC level for season 2. Feel free to check out our recruitment post for more info. Let me know if you have any questions!

Hi there! We are looking to add more players to our AOTC progression team. Looking for all roles atm. I’m going to attach our guild page for you to skim through to see if we could possibly be a good fit for you! We raid Fri and sat from 9:30 pm to 12:30 EST. I’d be happy to sit down and chat with you to answer any questions you may have… I look forward to speaking with you soon