[US] [A] Formed January 25th, 9/12M after missing the first two weeks of Mythic, BEST 2-night (6 hour) guild on the server.
Wednesday + Thursday @ 9pm-12am PST
The Pitch
Goon Squad is a group of highly motivated Mythic raiders who pride themselves in creating a positive, but competitive atmosphere to raid and make friends in. We are a new guild but have made fast progress because of our ability to put the raid in the best position for success each night. Goon Squad isn’t a one tier stop, we are a gaming community whose vision is to create a Cutting Edge space where you can log in after a bad day of work and laugh with the boys .
The Requirements
We will never compromise the success or positive atmosphere of the raid group to cater to even the most exceptional players. The following are the absolute bare minimum requirements for being a Mythic raider in Goon Squad:
-Attitude: This is the pinnacle of our guilds success and we intend to keep it this way. Positive mental attitudes are vital to the longevity of a Cutting Edge progression guild. Some bosses will take 10 pulls, some will take 100 pulls. We will not cater to great players with negative and toxic attitudes.
-Performance: We will always bring the best 20 raiders to Mythic progression. We’ve sat officers, raid leaders, guild masters, main raiders, trials, socials, everyone. If you’re the highest performer you will be invited to the progression bosses. Once again, we will never compromise the success of the raid group to save egos.
-Activity: We do not want raid loggers therefore you must be an active player outside of raid times. We use various wow audits to track peoples’ activities throughout the week. A luxury of being in our guild is that raiders are always on pushing keys, selling keys, doing parse runs, helping gear alts, etc.
The offer
If you’re able to meet all of those standards of a Cutting Edge Mythic raider then we’ve got all the perks for you!
-Gems, Enchants, Pots, Flasks, Food, and Vantus Runes are all provided free of cost for raiders.
-Plenty of guild activity means ease of min/maxing gear through pushing keys.
-Opportunities to make hundreds of thousands of gold through raid and mythic+ carries.
-Resource for class knowledge and boss strategies from previous top US raiders.
-The most fun you will ever have Mythic raiding in a Cutting Edge guild.
Contact us
If you liked our pitch, meet our requirements, and loved our offer please do not hesitate to reach out to an officer listed below to inquire about a trial:
GM/RL: Connxr - bnet: pyp#1144