Prepare to put your tactical skills to the test. In the expansion’s new Adventures feature, you’ll send your allies into the Shadowlands to tackle unique challenges for your chosen Covenant. You’ll need to be strategic about how you take on these combat puzzles, including who you’ll send to face them and how you’ll use their skills to claim victory.
Excited to know that precious development time is spent on this.
Hold up, what is this notices the skip button
Ok so it’s just gonna end up being an addon that provides a button to click to fill your board of followers and do it for you, like the previous mission tables. Nice waste.
Seems like the mission table that lets you know how your people did.
This looks very interesting. I’m looking forward to checking this out when Shadowlands comes out.
Really like the idea that you can even get rewards such as pets and mounts from doing missions as well. Makes this more of an incentive to do missions from the command table. Seeing as how I’m a collector in-game!
Will this work on the phone app?
For me this will grow older the first week of the expansion so… Thank you for the skip button.
So, ummmm, mission tables? Really Blizzard? At least don’t insult us and act like this isn’t a mission table.
it’s the mission table in no moment they ignored that tho… it’s the same model like any other table… it’s just more “fancy”
not profitable, I’m sure I wont get near those 75-100g missions ever
And so we continue with the single-player mini-games to spur player engagement because your MMO has systematically removed most of what made me want to log in over the past 15 years.
There’s nothing positive to say about this.
I hated mission table/follower stuff when it was first introduced to WoW and i still hated it now.
I hope it gives more stuff than BFA. Legion tables were dull as hell but doing them a few months on my phone got me millions of gold. Is that bad design? Oh yeah but I’d rather bad design that means I can play the game for free forever than bad design that I just ignore.
Thank you devs, looking forward to this.
feels a little lonely in this thread
Damn this looks boring. Can we just remove the mission table.
Can we skip the followers and just do this ourselves? Please and thank you.
This looks fun! I’m excited, I hope it will feel like Hearthstone.
Is there any word on how this will work with the mobile app?
Didn’t we get pets from missions in wod?
Mission tables again.
It’s better than how it was. I can definitely see myself doing this while waiting for a group to fill.
Also, mounts and cosmetics being tied to this is a very interesting choice. I like it. I get people don’t like mission tables, but I don’t see how they hurt the game. They add just a bit more depth to the covenants. And that’s a welcome addition.
Probably will be part of the Samsunglands expansion