6/10M SPriest, Lock, RDruid and War LFG 9pm CST

Mature group of 4 friends looking for new late night raiding guild with start time at 9pm CST or later. Previous guild has retired from mythic prog due to RL issues. Looking for a guild with CN mythic prog around 6/10 but wouldnt mind helping out with previous prog too.

We all have played since vanilla and are always trying to push our classes. On off raid nights we push M+ or arena/rbg.

HMU battlenet bluehawk#1151 | discord bluehawk#0596

Hello, Buds Til Disband is looking to build a mythic focused roster!!

We are a 5-year-old guild that faction and server transferred to Mal’Ganis in BFA. We are an AOTC guild looking to turn the corner for more mythic progression without a full CE focus. We will never require extended hours, we will never ask for extra raid days, and until the content is so boring you can practically sleep through it, we won’t extend lockouts. Our goal is to maximize the 6 hours per week we play by recruiting players who are hungry but need the light weekend raid schedule to accommodate real life.

Raid Times: Friday/Saturday 9-12 EST

Progression - 10/10 Heroic, 5/10 Mythic

Contact info is Andro#1365 bnet/Andro#8398 on discord or Beef#12743 bnet/Whoisit
#3685 Discord