6/10M [H] CE focused weekend guild LF HPal

Sent a friend request - faction changed recently to horde side.

need more members to carry corn beans

Be nice to corn beans

Corn beans called me a lil stinker. I don’t know if I’ll recover.

bring me the ranged!

this guild is carried by corbins

but seriously, more big boy dps pls

Join us, CE

we have burritos

In need of more rews

You should join us

join me bb

What server are you guys on?

Turalyon is where we reside

Ran with these guys, amazing group. Hope they find the raiders they need! Cheers guys!

Still looking for a couple more dps to really round out the roster!

Bump for “sober” raid

Doing Heroic tonight so we can go straight into Mythic tomorrow!

in need of exceptional dps!

Looking for a tank and healer as well!