610 Prot Pally LF AOTC/Mythic

Fell WAY behind the curve this season due to joining a friend’s guild that only wanted to do normals. Have played the game since Vanilla, been raiding since BC, have gotten AOTC + some mythics every season except for this one as a tank and a healer.

Can raid anytime between 7pm and 11pm CST any day of the week.

Anybody out there willing to trial me? I promise I won’t disappoint. <3

discord: deltacoz

Sent a request on discord

Hey I just sent you a discord invite!

Looking for a tank for our W/F 6-9PST raid

Added you on discord.

Wipe Insurance is recruiting for heroic progression. We’re in need of a reliable 2nd tank.
We raid Friday/Saturday, 8-10 central. We’re currently 1/8H, but that includes many pugs while we continue to fill the roster. Hope to talk soon.

We also have a post from yesterday that has a bit more information.