Currently: 8/8N 4/8H 0/0M 1546 IO
I Also Heal as a H. Priest, Pres Evoker and tank as a blood DK. also have other toons im working on leveling and gearing
Bnet: Doomedknight#1125
either ya want me in your guild or you dont… up to you
Edit: Im In EST/EDT (NYC)
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Thanks for the edit on that info! 
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Hi there! My guild Roll for Initiative is recruiting raiders and we are always looking to add new faces to our community! We are pve/social guild. We raid Tue/Thu 8:30-11:30pm est. Our current prog is 7/8H. We have dps spots available! Roll for Initiative hosts a variety of weekly events like tmog/achieve/mount farming, board games, movie night, and we play other games together too! We run m+ and are also going to be starting rbgs on the weekends!
Contact: bnet - NobleWarBear1291 discord - noblewarbear