I had to repost on my main.
I am a 608 survival hunter looking for heroic/mythic guild, I am 8/8 normal. I capped on my ceiling in normal. I really want to to take raiding to the next level.
my btag is eltwentyone#1470
my logs and raiderio can be found trenshot-area 52
The Corrupted Order. Recruiting raiders and m+ members to join in our crazy adventures! We raid Tuesday’s and Fridays 8:30pm EST. Currently 5/8 H looking for healers and DPS for our main raid group. All individuals are welcome for m+! Add b-tagTatertoticus#1940 and tell tater Shavalo sent you
just pugged 3/8 Heroic
2 of them had purple parses for my ilvl
i died early one one because my trinket pulled agro forgot to misdirect on tank lol
I was top dps on sikran 930k
still looking !